What does it mean to be a Kurd? It really is amazing how - TopicsExpress


What does it mean to be a Kurd? It really is amazing how beautiful and painful life can be all at once... Having had the experience of seeing my son come to this world and take his first breaths and glimpses of this earth and what it has to offer, I have had pause for thought... Why do we live? Why do we do what we do? And why does it occasionally go so horribly wrong? And more specifically for me and my family, what does it mean to be a Kurd? I have had the privilege of having lived a life full of wonder, beauty, love and awe. Having said this, I have also lived through and survived some of the most horrific and violent experiences that life has to offer... War, death, hatred, violence, ethnic cleansing, physical, mental and social abuse... So, I am left wondering... how can it be that such innocence and beauty as a newborn child can sometimes grow to become a monster beyond recognition? And what can I do to ensure that my child grows not to hate and hurt, but to love and give back to life what it has given us...? This must surely be a question on the minds of those parents who have had the misfortune of seeing their children whisked away from them into a life of terrorism, cruelty, violence, rape, molestation, torture, killings, and ultimately... death. And all in the name of a so called god that we cannot see, hear or feel... I for one refuse to give into the cruelty of others and the fear and hate they evoke... I will fight back with love, forgiveness and charity for as long as I am standing... For it is these qualities of life that the evildoers would want to be rid of...and it is these same qualities that define who I am both as a Kurd and as a human on earth. And for as long as we resist with love, forgiveness and charity, we retain the three most important and elemental qualities that help to define Kurdishness...
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:45:00 +0000

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