What does “jihad” mean? Jihad literally translates as - TopicsExpress


What does “jihad” mean? Jihad literally translates as “struggle.” Strictly speaking, jihad does not mean “holy war” as Muslim apologists often point out. However, the question remains as to what sort of “struggle” is meant: an inner, spiritual struggle against the passions, or an outward, physical struggle. As in any case of trying to determine Islamic teaching on a particular matter, one must look to the Quran and the Sunnah. From many sources it is evident that a Muslim is required to struggle against a variety of things: laziness in prayer, neglecting to give zakat (alms), etc. But is it also plain that a Muslim is commanded to struggle in physical combat against the infidel as well. Muhammad’s impressive military career attests to the central role that military action plays in Islam. Jihad Through History: In 622 AD (year one in the Islamic calendar, AH 1), Muhammad abandoned Mecca for the city of Medina (Yathrib) some 200 farther north in the Arabian peninsula. In Medina, Muhammad established a paramilitary organization that would spread his influence and that of his religion throughout Arabia. Because there has never been a separation of the political-military and the religious in Islam, this development was entirely natural by Islamic principles. By the time of his death in 632 AD, Muhammad had extended his control in a series of raids and battles over most of southern Arabia. The conquered populations of these areas either had to submit to Muslim rule and pay a protection tax or convert to Islam. The First Major Wave of Jihad: the Arabs, 622-750 AD : Near the end of his life, Muhammad sent letters to the great empires of the Middle East demanding their submission to his authority. This dispels any notion that the Prophet intended Islam’s expansion to stop with Arabia. Indeed, it is only logical that the one true religion, revealed by the final and fullest prophet, should have universal sway. Thus, as Muhammad had fought and subdued the peoples of the Arabian peninsula, his successors Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali (known as “the four rightly-guided Caliphs”) and other Caliphs fought and subdued the people of the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe in the name of Allah. For More details please visit the webpage: jihadwatch.org/islam-101 Please read and download the book for free to understand Islamic Jihad , Downloadable link : islam-watch.org/books/islamic-jihad-legacy-of-forced-conversion-imperialism-slavery.pdf 1. To get the History of Jihad please visit the Website: historyofjihad.org/ 2. To get the uncensored true War videos captured on camera, Taliban videos, Afghanistan war videos, Iraq war videos, please visit the website : kaotic/cat_20_war_videos ( Alert !!!This website contains extreme graphic videos, Not suitable for peoples having weak heart and mind or any heart disease or psychological disorder, Not suitable for children and below 21 years age group. ) 3. Also visit the following webpages to get a clear idea about Islamic Jihad and the true nature of Islam . i) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jihadist_organizations ii) pamelageller/ iii) jihadwatch.org/ iv) islamicjihadwatch.wordpress/ v) faithfreedom.org/ vi) alisina.org/ vii) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Jihad_Organization viii) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Jihad_Movement_in_Palestine ix) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Islamic_Jihad x) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_civil_war en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_armed_groups_in_the_Syrian_civil_war xi) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War xii ) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide Islam 101 : Jihad Watch jihadwatch.org by Gregory M. Davis author, Religion of Peace? Islam’s War Against the World producer/director, Islam: What the West Needs to Know — An Examination of Islam, Violence, and the Fate of the Non-Muslim World
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:37:15 +0000

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