What everyone needs to be aware of is these people usually stage - TopicsExpress


What everyone needs to be aware of is these people usually stage events around specific time frames such as April 10th – April 21st. There have been numerous historical events between those dates. Some are so obvious I feel I don’t need to name them but a few would be the Oklahoma City Bombing (false flag), Columbine, Hitler’s Birthday, The Boston Marathon Bombings (false flag), etc. Some argue Columbine was a false flag but I personally haven’t done enough research to come to that conclusion. The point is, it is a fact of reality that the government orchestrates evil events like this and has no value for American life and human life in general. Now the Illuminati Card game that came out in 1982 has 2 cards, one with a black president called “Backlash” and another with a picture of a boy scout called “Boy Sprouts.” You may ask why this is significant? Well that card game had a card with 2 skyscrapers bursting in to flames, called the ‘Terrorist Nuke’ (9/11). There is a card that shows the pentagon being attacked with a nuke called ‘Pentagon.’ There is a World War 3 card, a Assertiveness Training card (militarizing the police or population), a ‘Bank Merger’ card, and ‘Epidemic’ card, etc, you get the point. These cards seem to eerily predict the future. The Boy Scout Jamboree that happens every year has been moved to a new location for the first time in the events history. It has been moved to Summit BECHTEL Reserve in West Virginia. Those of you educated on the matter know that Bechtel is one of the prime corporations involved in furthering the American Empire and Imperialism, and vicariously the Illuminati agenda. Refer to John Perkins books ‘The Secret History of the American Empire’ and ‘Confessions of An Economic Hitman.’ The Boy Scout Jamboree takes place July 15th – July 24th. Again this time span coincides with a lot of significant historical events such as the July 20 plot to kill Hitler, The Vatican making a truce with Nazi Germany, The Aurora Colorado Shooting, etc. There are over 50,000 people that attend the Boy Scout Jamboree. I believe there may be some kind of false flag biological attack that may be blamed on Iran as a patsy for war or to usher in Martial Law and bring about the End Game for America. We are literally one false flag attack away from Martial Law and complete Fascism. Of course no one wants this to be true but I personally do not believe that everything in life is just one coincidence after the other. I predicted to a few of my friends that an event like the Boston Marathon Bombings would happen around the week it occurred. I just looked at history. It was clearly the most obvious false flag event in recent history, in my opinion. Prepare yourselves and your families. If nothing happens that that is great and the very least your family will be prepared for a natural disaster or some other disastrous event. Link to the 2013 National Scout Jamboree Website. https://summit.scouting.org/en/Jamboree2013/Pages/default.aspx Link to the Illuminati ‘Backlash’ black president Card. atruthsoldier.files.wordpress/2012/07/backlash.jpg Link to Illuminati ‘Boy Sprouts’ (Boy Scouts) card. s.ecrater/stores/58244/4c2bb7eb90641_58244n.jpg Article on how the FBI has been behind a majority of terrorist attacks. nytimes/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/terrorist-plots-helped-along-by-the-fbi.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 I used a mainstream media article because most people can only accept mainstream media as reality….sadly. You can find articles about this all over the web that are legitimate. You know it’s bad when even the mainstream media has no choice but to actually be truthful. Two pertinent quotes; “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” -Albert Einstein “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” -George Santayana
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 02:43:26 +0000

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