What if Obama was Black ??? (by JoAnne D Byron) I must admit - TopicsExpress


What if Obama was Black ??? (by JoAnne D Byron) I must admit that it’s been tough zipping my lip in the aftermath of the Zimmerman verdict. On one hand, you never want to celebrate a situation where someone is killed. At the same time, seeing race baiting, moocher-pimps get their loud and clear smack down by the letter of the law did feel good and still very much does. In the midst of the hoopla, of course, the race baiter in chief and his growingly irrelevant crew of goons went out to their pulpits and began beating their Marxist bibles all over again. In spite of Florida’s clear-cut Stand Your Ground laws, Obama, Holder, Al Sharpton and the usual goon squad began holding their rallies (a.k.a. hangouts for the unemployed) and threatening a civil rights investigation under the federal umbrella. Of course, these are just empty threats… It’s the logic behind them that is really scary. So, I’ve decided to delve a little deeper into the mentalities of some of these people. They are the sort of people who seem to care more about demagoguery and their own political standing than of the life quality of those they claim to represent. Over the past few weeks, I can’t count the amount of times I heard honestly hard working black folks and even the most die hard white liberal guilt victim mumble about what a ‘crock’ this whole thing was… They weren’t complaining about racism. They were complaining about the two dirty sides of this race baiting coin. Here were the two chief complaints I heard repeating. From the black folks in question, it was ‘they’re just making it worse for those of us with jobs, the kid was a criminal…I’d have shot him myself’. From the liberal guilt-ists, it was ‘this just makes me more scared I will get revenge sought on me, even though I vote Democrat and love Obama…why is he doing this?’ Both trains of thought leave a lot to be desired in terms of true comprehension. What’s going on here has nothing to do with race, Zimmerman, Martin or even the American justice system or the social relationships which underpin our society. There is A LOT more going on here than first meets the eye…. Let’s look at the obvious, the murky, the shadowy and the downright unfathomable. What If I Was Black? George Zimmerman likely asked himself this question quite a few times during his ordeal. Had George Zimmerman been black would this case have been a big deal? Maybe he would have simply been exported to Death Row, as so many black men are upon shooting one another over major issues, such as, wearing the wrong colored hat in the wrong part of town, stepping on each others sneakers causing an irreparable scuff mark or the all mighty, ‘looked at me the wrong way.’ Maybe he would have never seen a day in a jail cell. After all, black on black crime goes on completely ignored in this country. The people who ignore it with the greatest passion are the same people who rose from their race baiting coffins to try and suck George Zimmerman’s blood through a media-sponsored straw. Perhaps if George was black he’d simply have been the contributor to another statistic we have chosen to blissfully ignore as a society. But this really isn’t about George Zimmerman’s imaginary blackness, it’s about someone else… You see, there is a great big misconception going on in America and the world at large, today. This misconception tells us EVERYTHING we need to know about what the Left really is and the sort of values they truly represent. You see, the real question to ponder is not ‘What would have happened if George Zimmerman was black?’ The real question at hand asks, ‘What would have happened if President Obama was black?’ Yes, you did read that correctly. Barry Soetoro never spent a formative day with his Kenyan father. He was raised by his white Marxist mother in theory, but his wealthy banker (he might say ‘bankster’) grandmother, in practice. The man known as ‘Obama’ grew up around a mix of Muslim Indonesians and the white American aristocracy he claims to so despise. The oddity of Obama is precisely the FACT that he never in his life had a black relative or spent significant time in or around the black community until he met his wife Michelle. In a really obvious way, in fact, Obama married into the black community. Throughout his political uprising it was people like Bill Ayers, not Jesse Jackson who took him around, introduced him to their Leftist pals and pandered for campaign funding on his behalf. But let’s not delve into Barry Soetoro’s connections to domestic terrorists and such. Let’s just focus on how his mind might work if he actually grew up and lived the life of a black man in America. You know, black men like Colin Powell, or Herman Cain, or the brilliant and eloquent Thomas Sowell. Black men who the Left portrays in everything but T-shirts that read ‘Uncle Tom’. Naturally, this is purely an exercise in theory. The Left would never back a competent black man. Let’s put it this way, if you’ve seen the recent film ‘Django Unchained’ you probably can relate to the concept that the Left portrays Obama as ‘Django’ but they really occupy the role of ‘Calvin Candie’ because Obama, to them, is really just ‘Stephen’. Though the previous analogy may offend, it also illuminates a closely guarded secret which is quite obvious and quite clear once looked at WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Obama hates black people. Working black people, that is. Educated black people, that is. Black people who put their nationality ahead of their race, that is. Black people who not only believe in the American Dream but have actually achieved it, that is. He does not invite Bob Johnson to the White House. He does not have panel discussions led by Dr. Sowell. Instead, he prefers Jay-Z and whatever football or basketball player is currently making the most headway. This makes perfect sense. This is how his Leftist, race-pimping masters have always behaved towards blacks. Those who uplifted themselves all-of-a-sudden either ‘became white’ or simply ‘wanted to be white’, while those who begged for a plate of gruel were declared ‘God’s Children’. I recall the smear campaigns against Herman Cain a few years back when he dipped his toe in Presidential waters. I recall self-defined “European-style Socialist” Lawrence O’Connell interviewing and berating Mr. Cain about his past. Herman Cain had, after all, proudly served his country, helped developed advanced technology for the Navy, sat on the Federal Reserve board, run Burger King up from the ground to near-McDonald’s-like success levels along with several other big wins in the corporate world. No wonder the Left wanted a cup of his blood for breakfast. I know that this is somewhat of a digression, but go watch Herman Cain interview. He stutters, he mumbles, he fumbles. He’s not a slick snake oil salesman. But he is all that Obama is not. Accomplished, experienced, successful and most of all…BLACK! Herman Cain has already been relegated to the dustbin of history by his Leftist political assassins. He is, however, worthy of remembrance as a response to anybody who is deluded enough to believe that anything ‘Obama’ does is ‘for black people’. Anything that ‘Obama’ does ‘for black people’ is for the purpose of perpetuating negative stereotypes, race baiting and raising his status, while aggressively attacking those of hard-working black men and women. The Obama Presidency will no doubt go down as one of the great ‘Trojan Horse’ plays of all time. Under Obama,(and that is literal, by the way) black Americans have seen unemployment rates spike, quality of living go down, cost of living go up, opportunities dwindle and despair set in like never before. While Barry Soetoro babbles about his imaginary son Trayvon and plays out hypothetical ‘what-ifs’ from a century ago in today’s terms, the lives of blacks in America continue to get worse, harder and fast. It’s comical reading Soetoro and then comparing his words to those of Dr. King’s. Martin Luther King was a leader who loved his people, inspired them, gave them courage and taught them to believe in themselves. Barry ‘Obama’ Soetoro is a lackey with only a slight genetic, but definitely no cultural or experience-based, bond to ‘his’ people. He believes that if ‘his people’ love and worship him unquestioningly, he may then choose to do something for them. Of course, this means cajoling them into acting out the exact negative stereotypes he claims to want to erase. Truth be told, black people are far better off with another Bill, Hillary or Howie Dean. At least these covert racists play the benevolent master role honestly and openly, while the Trojan Soetoro eats his people’s flesh and guts from the inside like the virus that he is.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 03:30:40 +0000

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