What is HERESY -- HERESY Heresy is any teaching that moves away - TopicsExpress


What is HERESY -- HERESY Heresy is any teaching that moves away from the normal teachings of a religious tradition. In particular, this refers to groups within Christianity who ignore some basic element of Christianity—such as the idea that Christ was divine. The Greek word (hairesis), literally meaning “choice,” is used in the New Testament to designate a sect or faction. For example, the Sadducees were a sect within Judaism (Acts 5:17), as were the Pharisees (15:5). When many Jews first believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, they were known as “the sect of the Nazarenes” (24:5). In each of these verses, the word hairesis is not used as an insult word—it merely means a sect, a small splinter group that breaks off from Judaism. After the church grew and developed, any factious group within a local church was called hairesis-that is, it was a sect that held certain opinions contrary to the truths established by the apostles. In view of this, Paul told the Corinthian church that sects would develop among them as a way of separating the false from the true (1 Corinthians 11:19). Eventually, the word “heresy” came to mean the particular teaching that caused certain ones to break away from orthodox Christianity. Thus, Peter warned Christians about various false teachers who would try to deceive believers with their heretical teachings (2 Peter 2:1). In the modern era, this is how the word “heresy” is usually understood; it is unorthodox and/or false teaching that damages the faith of certain believers and also causes divisive factions within the church. Some famous heresies include Gnosticism, a loose body of ideas that usually included the teaching that an evil being created the physical world; Docetism, which taught that Christ wasn’t truly human; and many others, often having to do with the identity of Christ or with the Trinity (two very slippery topics in church history) HOW DO HERESIES GET STARTED? BIBLE READING: Colossians 2:1-23 KEY BIBLE VERSE: Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to live in obedience to him. Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done. (Colossians 2:6-7) HERESIES GROW WHERE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WORD IS WEAK. The problem that Paul was combating in the Colossian church was similar to Gnosticism from the Greek word for knowledge. This heresy, a teaching contrary to biblical doctrine, undermined Christianity in several basic ways: (1) It insisted that important secret knowledge was hidden from most believers; Paul, however, said that Christ provides all the knowledge we need. (2) It taught that the body was evil; Paul countered that God himself lived in a body-that is, he was embodied in Jesus Christ. (3) It contended that Christ only seemed to be human, but was not; Paul insisted that Jesus is fully human and fully God. Gnosticism became fashionable in the second century. Even in Paul’s day, these ideas sounded attractive to many, and exposure to such teachings could easily seduce a church that didn’t know Christian doctrine well. Similar teachings still pose significant problems for many in the church today. We combat heresy by becoming thoroughly acquainted with God’s Word through personal study and sound Bible teaching. HOW DO HERESIES GET STARTED? BIBLE READING: Colossians 2:1-23 KEY BIBLE VERSE: Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to live in obedience to him. Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done. (Colossians 2:6-7) HERESIES GROW WHERE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WORD IS WEAK. The problem that Paul was combating in the Colossian church was similar to Gnosticism from the Greek word for knowledge. This heresy, a teaching contrary to biblical doctrine, undermined Christianity in several basic ways: (1) It insisted that important secret knowledge was hidden from most believers; Paul, however, said that Christ provides all the knowledge we need. (2) It taught that the body was evil; Paul countered that God himself lived in a body-that is, he was embodied in Jesus Christ. (3) It contended that Christ only seemed to be human, but was not; Paul insisted that Jesus is fully human and fully God. Gnosticism became fashionable in the second century. Even in Paul’s day, these ideas sounded attractive to many, and exposure to such teachings could easily seduce a church that didn’t know Christian doctrine well. Similar teachings still pose significant problems for many in the church today. We combat heresy by becoming thoroughly acquainted with God’s Word through personal study and sound Bible teaching. HERESIES RELY ON HUMAN INSIGHT AND WISDOM RATHER THAN GOD’S WORD. Paul writes against any philosophy of life based only on human ideas and experiences. Paul himself was a gifted philosopher, so he is not condemning philosophy. He is condemning teaching that credits humanity, not Christ, with being the answer to life’s problems. That approach becomes a false religion. There are many man-made approaches to life’s problems that totally disregard God. To resist heresy you must use your mind, keep your eyes on Christ, and study God’s Word. HERESIES ARE ATTEMPTS TO REACH GOD BY HUMAN MEANS. We cannot reach up to God by following rules of self-denial, by observing rituals, or by practicing religion. Paul isn’t saying all rules are bad. But no keeping of laws or rules will earn salvation. The Good News is that God reaches down to human beings, and he asks for our response. Man-made religions focus on human effort; Christianity focuses on Christ’s work. Believers must put aside sinful desires, but doing so is the by-product of our new life in Christ, not the reason for our new life. Our salvation does not depend on our own discipline and rule-keeping, but on the power of Christ’s death and resurrection. HERESIES CAN BE DISCOVERED THROUGH ASKING PROBING QUESTIONS. We can guard against man-made religions by asking these questions about any religious group: (1) Does it stress man-made rules and taboos rather than God’s grace? (2) Does it foster a critical spirit toward others, or does it exercise discipline discreetly and lovingly? (3) Does it stress formulas, secret knowledge, or special visions more than the Word of God? (4) Does it elevate self-righteousness, honoring those who keep the rules, rather than elevating Christ? (5) Does it neglect Christ’s universal church, claiming to be an elite group? (6) Does it teach humiliation of the body as a means to spiritual growth rather than focusing on the growth of the whole person? (7) Does it disregard the family rather than holding it in high regard as the Bible does? 1 samuel 15:23-Rebellion and stubbornness which are equivalent to apostasy which means turning away opposite the truth of the Bible are serious sins. They involve far more than being independent and strong-minded. Scripture equates them with witchcraft and idolatry, sins worthy of death (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 20:6; Deuteronomy 13:12-15; 18:10; Micah 5:10-14). Saul became both rebellious and stubborn, so it is little wonder that God finally rejected him and took away his kingdom. Rebellion against God is perhaps the most serious sin of all because as long as a person rebels, he or she closes the door to forgiveness and restoration with God.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:49:07 +0000

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