What is a Blue Republican? The “Blue Republican” group is - TopicsExpress


What is a Blue Republican? The “Blue Republican” group is set apart from other Liberty-oriented groups by being less interested in winning philosophical purity contests than in winning supporters for Liberty, on the understanding that the most valuable principles are those that make a practical difference. Blue Republican Seeks Common Ground with Others Blue Republicans seek to find common ground with people who don’t yet identify with the liberty movement, to develop a civil discourse that helps them see how some of the ideas, policies and politicians that they typically support frustrate their liberal principles, when those principles are properly and consistently understood. Blue Republican does not push a libertarian orthodoxy (which has always failed), but helps all people, and especially those who regard themselves as broadly Liberal, see how so many of our prevailing political assumptions are wrong. Blue Republican Sees Through the Left vs. Right Paradigm Millions of Americans are primed to reject the idea that the Left or the Right is the problem, and that the Right or the Left is the solution – but many of them haven’t been exposed to an alternative account of our politics that promotes liberty without pushing an entire worldview that represents a paradigm shift too large for them to accept. Blue Republican fills that niche. Left and Right have together brought the USA to where it is. More harm is done to America in the huge areas of tacit agreement between these two sides – against civil rights, for the growth of the State even when no positive results can be demonstrated, for militarism and for cronyism – than in any areas of disagreement. Blue Republican Values Principles Over Party Blue Republican opposes partisanship. If you think that the problem is either the Left/Democrats or the Right/Republicans, then you’re the problem. It’s that political tribalism that has allowed both flavors of Power to undermine American liberty and justice – while we stood by as long as our side was winning. Parties only deserve loyalty to the extent that they promote, rather than undermine, those values. Blue Republican Believes Love is Part of the Solution Our political system should be based in Love. Love is accepting and kind, wanting for others what they want for themselves. Love tries to solve problems by increasing freedom, rather than reducing it, and by understanding others, rather than judging them. Love is not dogmatic, but celebrates differences. We will not put down the morality, motivation or intelligence of those with whom we disagree. The rise of Blue Republican has been concurrent with the recent remaking of the GOP from the inside by extremely enthusiastic liberty activists. These mostly young activists of Blue Republican are pro-peace, anti-corporatism, and pro-Love. Blue Republican Believes in Liberty Liberty is the politics of Love. Love says to its object, “I want for you what you want for yourself”. Our political system should say exactly the same thing to the people it serves, rather than being a vehicle to impose one world view or another on our fellow Americans. Red Check MarkA Blue Republican Values Pragmatism Over Purism: We support anyone in any party, or none, in advancing liberty & justice. All dogmas are dangerous to liberty. Blue Republican Believes in the Constitution There is no better outline for the values shared by us all than the Constitution, which is both a profoundly liberal and a profoundly conservative document. We all want freedom of speech and conscience, privacy, due process, a government prevented from intruding into our personal lives, a high bar for sending our men and women off to die abroad, and protection from cronyism. All of these have been undermined hugely in our lifetime. Blue Republican fights to retrieve them, as per our nation’s founding purpose. Blue Republican Understands How Culture Precedes Politics Throughout history, major political change has started in the culture. By educating and opening minds, we make taking back our basic rights possible. Politicians can only do what the culture allows. Blue Republican is an Optimist “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be healed by what is right with America.”
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:30:28 +0000

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