What is better than day after day of rippin hot weather and sweet - TopicsExpress


What is better than day after day of rippin hot weather and sweet blue sky? Actually, not much. Sun good. Sweat nice. Me likey. However, lest we get all caught up in the grand July chillax and forget about looming literary awesomeness, I am here to keep your wordy tuning forks all properly vibrating. In just a few short weeks, a new Haruki Murakami novel hits my shelves. If you do not know of whom I speak, then tsk and double tsk to you, sadly misguided pseudo-book lover. Haruki be the lit-shit. He strangely and comfortably resides within my top 10 authors and I eagerly await the arrival of Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage. Now that is a boo-ya title. So obviously not a Lee Child novel. Can you imagine an American author pulling off the same kind of handle, like...Glitzy Tom Cruise and His Years of Black Leather Coat Running. Nah, cant see it working. And just around the corner, in the shadowed shallows of Murakami, comes another of my faves. David Mitchell, he of the mind-normous Cloud Atlas, brings us a metaphysical thriller with his new bad boy The Bone Clocks. The Guardian offers up a pretty cool interactive review next time you are being all book gooogllly. If you are as stoked as I am, I suggest you pre-order both of these pending titles from Bacchus and then spend some time rubbing your hands together in evil genius like gleeful anticipation. If you are so lit-tastic-cal as to order both, I will not only offer you a 25% discount, but will also build, in my reader hall of fame, that I have constructed artfully, on the sly, in the hidden recesses of what appears to be an old storage closet, but what is, in effect, a wardrobe-esque entryway to another world where I am a firm but fair benevolent dictator, a small paper statue of your likeness. Kinda like this but with a darker twist....theguardian/artanddesign/video/2014/jan/23/chinese-artist-sculpts-stretchy-paper-carvings-video
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 17:52:22 +0000

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