What is the relationship of the village so-called Fatima in - TopicsExpress


What is the relationship of the village so-called Fatima in Portugal Ms. Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)? At first glance, people get shocked when they heard of the existence of a village in Europe bearing the name of Fatima girl Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family) and can hardly believe this is the truth, and perhaps wondering how possible this name Taher crossing borders Regional and overcome all barriers in order to reach this European spot and imposes its presence in the country without condemning Islam!! But the follower of the history of the village called Fatima or Fatima Portuguese finds that the call is taken from the name of girl Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family), Fatima (peace be upon her), and is an undeniable fact, The village exists and is carrying this name holy, and of the incredible Asah visit Go to this village to see for himself that the name Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) under a name blessed and scintillating on throughout this village Portuguese Aruban more than half a century, despite the fact that Muslim conquerors of this region have left Portugal for a long time , and despite the fact that the minarets and domes of Islamic changed and undergone what occurred, but the name Fatima (peace be upon her) still sends Bashaall Antioch on that area and other areas, has a name that does not have the sanctity of a great people of that region, but has millions of arrivals to the village each year to visit the religious and to ask for healing and Her intercession of this holy name (peace be upon her). The point of view of the Vatican: Says Dr. Paul sweet Christian: Fatima ... have a special area in Portugal called Fatima, and the Vatican has acknowledged Bakdasthe where it is said that Fatima has manifested itself in a time where what. There are books and draw on this topic, including: The name of the book: FATIMA MAGICA. Author: MOISES ESPIRITO SANTO. Publisher: BESA EDITRICE. Year of Publication: 1999. Documentary photographer for this village: Mr. Ibrahim Hatami Kia of the Islamic Republic of Iran filming a documentary film detailed and good for this village called as religious Fatima (peace be upon her), and publication of the film many times during the Iranian TV channels a few years ago. The story of this label: It is clear that the naming of this village did not come out of thin air and coincidence, Yes, for the launch of this label blessed the religious story of this village and realistic and the dignity of the remarkable Lady Fatima Zahra (peace) appeared to some villagers in 917 AD. In order to stand on the details of this incident is important quote for you some of the text of the act to the report published in the Journal of the rest of Gods number 52? Page 60 / January? 1996 / fifth year. Fatima: Her name Holy emitted light shines above and Zia publicly, publisher of hope shining, glamorous and hardly eye-catching, and how not to nymph is medial, and Aldah Zahra and the secret that no one knows except God and the Prophet and firmly grounded in science. Fatima: noun shook feelings and broke blocking until he arrived at the heart of Europe holds appeal and the right to survive, specifically in Portugal, which was one of the cities on the name Fatima Fatima. That was the year (1916), and while he (Francisco) 9 years old and (Jacinta) 7 years old and (Lucia), 10 years old, playing in a remote town center of Portugal which is located in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, western Spain, and while they were well and as an angel appears in front of them and is repeating this sentence three times: Do not be afraid I am the angel of peace, my God, I have faith and believe you, my God, I melt your love, and I ask for ask for forgiveness from you for those who have no faith in them and not love and do not believe. After this sentence angel disappeared back then once in summer and again in the autumn. And tells the children the three story interesting to the people of their village and their relatives and say: It is every time we were asked landlords to offer sacrifice and forgiveness for sinners and sinners, and that we call for them even adhere properly, and it seemed clear that the emerging trio of owners was in preparation to see the three children of lady Her praise and daughter Fatima, the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon her). In the thirteenth of the month in May (1917) saw children (Jacinta) and (Francisco) and (Lucia) Nora again brilliant, and then saw a light and a great light over an oak tree surrounded by lady more brighter than the sun named Fatima. Ms. Medina Childrens astonished: Do not be afraid I do not want Akhavtkm!. Tmalc children themselves and Bogle asked her: Who are you?. Replied Mrs. glittering Nora: I am the Prophets daughter Fatima. He asked her three children, and where I came from?. Reassuring voice answered: I come from heaven. They said to her: And what do you want from us?. She said: I Houdrtkm to come to this place again, and I will tell you later what I want. And took Ms. Her praise, after this incident, the majestic and spectacular show for children of the Portuguese once a month, between the months of May and October, and in the meeting, the sixth and last came seventy thousand people to watch the Blessed Lady, which has achieved a miracle in front of their eyes where he stopped the rain fall suddenly , and afternoon sun disk trembling, then stopped for going beyond twice, then stops again, so that the legions Khamrha feeling that the sun would fall on them at any moment, but the sun came back again to its original position and the usual beautiful Beragaha himself. Lisbon newspaper published the news of the incident curiosities: This amazing incident appeared for the first time in the newspaper Lisbon on 15 October of the same year, prompting many to check out a novel three children until he became the subject of all the things that they mentioned the acceptance and ratification of my heart to have. And with respect to the three children and their fate is (Jacinta) and (Francisco) confirmed that Ms. Zahra (peace be upon her) said to them that they Silthakan out soon, and Stakhzhma to heaven with them, and actually died two children after two years and three years of vision, due to illness pneumonia, turned to early departures to the incident and deeply-rooted faith emerge, and witness statements of those children who have confirmed their families that they did not Atsvo lying in their lives. - With regard to the third girl child (Lucia) has entered into a wire monasticism, and devoted themselves to this vision, and remained alive and kicking, so to praise the holy lady asked for the deployment and promotion of slavery to God. But what happened until it became known in the village of Fatima? In (1919), parents decided to build a religious shrine in the name of their village (Fatima), he took some haters burnt and blown up, but residents returned rebuilt again. And in the year (1938) placed the first stone blocks the site. And in (1940), Bishop of Iberia granted his license to create a shrine to Our Lady of Fatima cleanser (peace be upon her) was preceded by the church after that. And in (1952) held a special ceremony Bsidtna Zahra (peace be upon her) and culminated in the adoption of such a step in formally Shrine (1953) by the Portuguese government, and since then, on the thirteenth of May of each year, comes lovers Fatima and Meredoha parts of Portugal and parts of neighboring states in the region, which was named in (Vatma) to ask for intercession and healing and repentance and Islam in the soul, and every one of the followers of this doctrine or that the ceremony visit (Fatima) with his style and his own way, and one comes walking on the feet for the performance of the visit, and another foreshadowing candles, held in Amassi pray and boards above, and occupies Temtemat grunts and praises the most important aspect and the biggest boom and wide fame, so that the Blessed Lady asked people on their appearance they have to Balzbehat every day. It must be pointed out that visitors come to see the statue white, commemorates the fact the emergence of Fatima, and they gather around him to ask for their needs or to offer their thanks to the guidance to the right path, and others they hope to return them to the power of faith and the spirit of the true hearts that Othagltha defilements material. Yes, the Europeans gather around the shrine, which represents them (church Vatma), and ask them switch their lives again, and assert that no visitor has returned from the spot and blessed is the empty-handed. In the left side of the church there is a special wing for visitors seeking healing patients, who spend the night in prayer and praise, and there are no language can have them explain the fact that deep gravity felt by visitors and Tozlem strange? Is not it strange travel those people from the world of Christianity to the world of Islam to enter the circle of love and devotion for cardiac daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family)? ! They swim chanting Fatima and they put the cross on their chests? ! Swim chanting Zahra and build a church in its name? ! Zahra swim chanting and asking for help and help them? ! And their hearts filled with the anniversary of the event the sun is strange vibration and the appearance of that vision Medina. No, not surprising what they are doing because the strength and ability of Fatima Fatima and Fatima Cleanse and integrity of Fatima girl Apostle exceeded every conceivable even become dominate the hearts of millions. How not convinced and so we see this crowd threatens to Fatima and walking distances in order to be blessed and had Bbakatha, and kneel in surmounted by a request for forgiveness, and for purity and spirituality. Perhaps the popes visit (Fatima) is not a simple phenomenon, and that the attention of the Jesuit Fathers and attached lady phenomenon describes the women of the world with the light shining eyes locked Fatima eligibility of this road, and is a phenomenon refers to the depth of the influence of Islam, the major leading lady in the world of Christianity. I was among the visitors to the city (Fatima) Pope Jean-Paul II to provide thanks to Fatima Minutes after Onjah a God of accidents. It must be pointed out that the people in the city (Fatima) Portuguese call their daughters name (Fatima) until almost not without a home of this blessed name. My brother reader, what do you think that your supplication to recognize who prays every visitor to the shrine of Fatima in Portugal. It is a prayer heal the soul, where he says: I am now compelled to stay away from you, because I am now compelled you in the most remote place, but I hope to God and beg him to not be the last Testament to me, and will remain available and this longing in my being alive and and Judy, O Fatima goodbye, farewell, O Zahra Our Lady Immaculate. Media and the story of the city of Fatima: I have taken the story of the city (Fatima) a great deal of interest in a number of researchers Iranians who painted a documentary film about this city after it published magazines Soroush and Kayhan Verhnki and Daneshmend and Zen Rose story of the city, and gave the film in television Islamic Republic several times, as well as in Al-Manar television in Lebanon, which suffered a mass turnout unusual. Discovered the city of Fatima, and how it took her way to inform the contemporary? Responsible investigation of the project (Atlas of Islamic World) in (Foundation Fatima Zahra cultural) in Tehran, Ms. (Hajian) responded to a question about the discovery of the institution to the city (Fatima), says: The focus of the work in our organization is the Islamic Renaissance world and the preparation of a draft World Atlas, which has closely associated with the character of our Blessed Lady, which is defined institutions and the various bodies Ms. Zahra (peace be upon her), and within our research and our investigation we know the (church), named (Fatima) and this is what powers our motives for diving in our primary, and Interestingly that Our study also led us to some of the ladies in the Christian (Sierra Leone), carrying the names uttered in the local dialect (Fatima), as there are churches in Spain, Brazil, Portugal, named (Fatima). Through this study, it became clear to us that the name of Fatima is the name of the trader, and there are many effects and spots related to the blessing of Ms. Zahra in many countries, and it is not confined to Portugal, but we know the city of Fatima in Portugal prompted us to set up a movie called (Fatima), and had a screening of the film echo good and great impact to the public. Adds Ms. (Hajian) thing to be mentioned is that Ms. (Santos) and is the only remaining relatives of the three children who had been informed of appearing strange is now an old lady and a great age too, and the sanctum in one of the monasteries, and has cut off all ties to the world, and There is no contact with her, but we think of a way to get an interview with her and to register more information. And Ms (Hajian) that there is in the books and notes that got the support of the Vatican stated clearly that (Fatima) and after the apparition, identified herself as the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family), and there are several releases of origin issued Vatican was honestly remember the name of the daughter of the Prophet of Islam, but that these texts came later for deletion and additions. The recognized and obvious to us? Hajian add? That the name Fatima lead to the collapse of that country said Ms. Zahra (peace be upon her), and in language books and dictionaries and encyclopedias reference to the name of Fatima tandem with the village, which has been mentioned. We point out that the woman who appeared in that form miraculous were not only Ms. Zahra evidence for the existence of several: First, there is the name of Fatima. Second: Ms. Medina means idiomatically Ms. Zahra, and is the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family). Third: Her praise that can not be a non-Fatima (peace be upon her). We also point out that the documentary prepared by the church for Christian scholars convey the following statement: Fatima the Daughter of Mohammad Ie: Fatima girl Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family). And has been noted in this film that the expression (Fatima) is a synonym for the lady that is more brighter than the sun and is the meaning of Zahra himself, and mentioned the term Mrs. Clean, which means pure. And also that the three children said they saw Fatima sad, crying, and this applies to the case of Zahra (peace be upon her) after the death of her father, where she was in the last-year-old Sharif distressed and many tears. The points for reflection is that the country Portugal and the city, Lisbon and other European cities in which there are symbols of architecture refers to the incident emerge, there are large numbers of sick and disabled people and employers needs begging for this lady, Fatima, and there are many statistics available on this subject exist in our organization. Concludes Ms. Hajian. Views Operations Director of Photography: Director of photography operations in the film Fatima (Mr. Hatami Kia) had a talk about his experience in this regard macroscopic says: I have traveled to the city of Fatima in Portugal, and I had the determination to be traveling this quietly and without fuss or noise and to be in the city (Fatima) by myself to see and scan the ocean, and I took with me my camera so I shoot Mshahdhati accurately, and was picking this activity and Find a film has been presented several times in the television of the Islamic Republic, and as a man of Muslim belief Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) and her faithful, you have documented the presence of this holy name in every corner and place since the first hour of my arrival to this city Portuguese. Ive been asking people directly: those who name Fatima this? And they answer honestly: Its the name of the daughter of the Prophet of Islam (Allah bless him and his family), They call on their daughters name Fatima and they think they are in this Abtnhen from hell. He added Hatami: I had a perception that elderly people and senior age only ones who were filled with this belief, but that was not the case, there I saw a crowd intense for young people and can easily see the diversity in the nature and age of the people who come to visit and perform vows and get on the needs of Mrs. Her praise. And adds Mr. Hatami: that this for me was much astonishment, that something like this is happening in Europe is drown the heart of hope, this seemed to me to be important in the fight against this issue, and to make a film about this incident-filled symbol and suggestion , in the arena of non-Islamic, but in Christian Europe itself, but it does not matter that those parts Nmehr dowry Islam or Christianity, but it is important as people return to religion in Europe, and is gradually happening now, and what can be seen clearly and previewed. ) We shall show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it is clear to them that the right Ulm enough that your Lord for everything martyr (1 Of the secrets of this label and this appearance: Not the slightest doubt that this label cause and secretly, and may be this is more of a secret, there may be a secret divine in question wanted to God Almighty to know as much as Zahra and its status, and are unknown amount and exempt graves on the one hand, and of on the other hand wanted to God Almighty to send a beam of its light blessed to those lands to light (peace be upon her) world of the West and its light to dark laceration withhold dominant that country. The password and other tangible and obvious lies in the existence of a religious village in Portugal called Fatima or Fatima, or FATIMA, and all names equivalent Arabic name Fatima and that is Ms. Fatima Zahra girl Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family). Look how Alaami cured and paralyzed. Peace ÚáĆ Batool Zahra. Cursed God wronged you and kill you and your right to deny Yamulaty
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:00:49 +0000

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