What next for AZ United goalkeeper ‘Peter Paw’ ? The most - TopicsExpress


What next for AZ United goalkeeper ‘Peter Paw’ ? The most expensive transfer fee for a goalkeeper by a large margin, which was a huge accomplishment for a small AZ United club. He then moved on to KNU for a world-record fee of $176.6 million. Hes not a AZ United player anymore, but we still care a lot about Peter Paw. The legendary goalkeeper has a place to go, finally. According to a report from AZ SOCCER CREW, Peter Paw have reached an agreement with KNU to join them this coming New Years 2014. Now, the tricky part. Peter will go through a medical in the upcoming days. As you know, hes still recovering from the ACL tear he suffered back in August on San Diego Tournament. “KNU is one of the third greatest teams in the Arizona but I still have to discuss so I can’t say anything. It is very early to say where I’m going to end up, am looking to sign a new contract with KNU” said Peter Paw Hisashi Nakasawa comment, We hope everything goes right. Peter Paw is a fantastic guy and would be a great for this coming 2014 New Years.Good luck, Peter Paw. Welcome to KNU.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:37:50 +0000

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