When I think of the earthquakes that I have felt in my lifetime, - TopicsExpress


When I think of the earthquakes that I have felt in my lifetime, nothing compares to the 8.1 quake that my Pops, my Tia, my three sisters and I went through, back in September of 1985. I am sure they all have their version of the story, this is what I remember....Pops drove us in his truck and it took a few days to get to Mexico, we got there the night before the quake, we were at the tallest building sight seeing, overlooking the city, and you could see all the bright lights. We were contemplating staying in one of the hotels, but my Tia said she remembered a relative that lived near by so we set out to find her and we did, she still lived in the same house, she invited us to stay. The next morning we were to wake up early, at around 7:15 we were still in bed, then the bed started to shake left and right, and I was on my belly, I was about to tell my sisters to stop shaking the bed, someone said, Teremoto we all got up and as we headed for the door frame, we had difficulty, I remember trying to walk toward the door, my legs crossed over and over, the floor shook vigorisly left to right. We all looked at each other with fear in our eyes, the shaking seemed to last forever and we thought that at any moment the house was going to come crashing down on us. I immediately thought in my head, Lord have mercy on us, please take care of us, the shaking continued, then it stoppted. Needless to say our hearts were racing and gripped with fear, nothing happened to the house. Sadly though, as we walked out of the neighborhood, several houses were damaged, hotels, businesses, the hospital, thousands died. We were saddended by all of the devistation, thank God the embassy was not damaged, we waited and finished our business. There was great loss and devastation in Mexico. I California, my mother worried to death, thought we were victims, God had us in His Care. We came home, a week later in Rialto another earhquake hit. I was in the same postion on the bed, frightened sat up and said, I am not laying like this again My school became aware, they took a picture and wrote a short article, you can see it below, me with a nervouse smile, the article was wrong, I didnt say we were lucky.... luck had nothing to do with it, I said, thank God, it wasnt our time to go Seriously, beloved family and frifends, the bible prophesied that in the end times, many things would happen, including many earthquakes, we have had so many lately, they will be increasing in magnitude and intensity like the one in Mexico, California is due for major ones, and there will be others occuring in diverse places, the birth pangs have slowly begun, the return of the Lord is at hand. We must prepare for eathquakes, yes, emergency supplies, water, food, etc..but the main thing we need to prepare for is the return of the Messiah, Jesus christ. If you have not repented and received the Lord as your Savior do so now. Or if you are living for yourself instead of living life for Him, lets turn that around and start sharing the good news of the gospel with others, and love people enough to save the lost. He is coming like a thief in the night, lets not be caught unprepared, or unaware. Be ready. Blessings. When I hear or feel of earthquakes it takes me back to that time, but yet we here in California have yet to feel or experience anything like Mexico did. Family and friends, the bible predicts there will be more earthquakes,
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:50:30 +0000

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