When considering the position of oneself as a Country relative to - TopicsExpress


When considering the position of oneself as a Country relative to the world after 238 years as a sovereign nation, it may become important to understand how others in the world including our Nuclear Competitors see us. There is a man considered Putins Brain which is Alexander Dugin, who believes America MUST be destroyed. According to Wikipedia, Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin is a Russian political scientist, traditionalist, and one of the most popular ideologists of the creation of a Eurasian empire that would be against the North Atlantic interests. These quotes are from Dugins March 8, 2014 letter to the American people, where he states, in part, the following: “1. Now here is what I would say to the American people. The American political elite has tried in this situation as well as in many others to make the Russians hate Americans. But it has failed. We hate the American political elite that brings death, terror, lies and bloodshed everywhere – in Serbia, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria – and now in Ukraine. We hate the global oligarchy that has usurped America and uses her as its tool. We hate the double standard of their politics where they call “fascist” innocent citizens without any feature resembling fascist ideology and in the same breath deny the open Hitlerists and Bandera admirers the qualification of “Nazi” in the Ukraine. All that the American political elite speaks or creates (with small exceptions) is one big lie. And we hate that lie because the victims of this lie are not only ourselves, but also you the American people. You believe them, you vote for them. You have confidence in them. But they deceive and betray you.” “2. We have no thoughts of or desire to hurt America. We are far from you. America is for Americans as President Monroe used to say. For Americans interests and not for others. Not for Russians. Yes, this is quite reasonable. You want to be free. You and all others deserve it. But what the hell you are doing in the capital of ancient Russia, Victoria Nuland? Why do you intervene in our domestic affairs? We follow law and logic, lines of history and respect identities, differences. It is not an American affair. Is it?” I personally dont know Putin or Dugin, but.. there are contained in these words above a measure of truth that we all should reflect on: “All that the American political elite speaks or creates (with small exceptions) is one big lie. And we hate that lie because the victims of this lie are not only ourselves, but also you the American people. You believe them, you vote for them. You have confidence in them. But they deceive and betray you.” So ask yourself; Are they wrong? We love our leaders, and they never lie to us? We will not let any Communist undermine our faith in this great Capitalist Democratic System for any reason. Right? Some thoughts on how they got to this twisted view of us. We arm terrorist in a War that we the people declared on Terrorist. We conduct war in secret, and murder those that we let one man choose, without trial. We spy on everyone, everywhere that we choose, absent of any regard for Individual Liberties, or Privacy or National Sovereignty. We act alone to declare to the world when a plebiscite is fair and open in our opinion. We alone choose silence in the face of selective enforcement of the Laws of our Land by those sworn to protect those Laws. We alone believe that a cabinet level government agencies needs police powers, guns, and ammo as thought the FBI and the State Police, and the National Guard do not exist. We alone place self interest above the rule of Law, and Rationalization above Logic or Liberty under the disguise of tolerance, cooperation, and acceptance of all things absent the application of Principals. We alone as citizens consider History, Passe, while we as a country head over the cliff repeating mistakes of the past. We alone as a Nation State fail miserably at recognizing even the remote possibility that unintended consequences could be , or will be our own collective undoing. What part of any of this meets even the basic criteria of what WE THE PEOPLE inherited from the folks that laid down their lives and fortunes to create the possibility that WE THE PEOPLE would have a chance at a world never seen before in Human History. Nothing! We can field the finest Lawyers in the Land to discuss Hanging Chad in front of our most esteemed Jurist, but we can find anyone to enforce immigration Law while they( the Congress) debate how it should be changed , if at all, absent an UN-Constitutional Executive Order making a New Law thats issued from a SINGLE person. Perhaps we should rethink, if possible, the true dimensions of the path we are all well down the road on!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:38:02 +0000

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