When people start on a spiritual path they think that everything - TopicsExpress


When people start on a spiritual path they think that everything will be ‘love and light’ and you know what? It’s not. I personally believe that being on a spiritual path is all about learning about ourselves, this doesn’t just involve ‘connecting to the source’ but going into the depths of our psyche understanding our true selves, not just the loving light bits but also the darkness. We all have bad habits, our own personal demons that we need to overcome, hurts from past relationships whether friendships, parents, family or lovers, we need to understand why we reacted to those hurts, heal from them and learn from them. Being spiritual to me, is being true to yourself, standing up for what you believe is right and what is right is helping others to be their best, to help others through hard times, to focus on the good but understand that ‘bad’ will happen. I suppose my view of spirituality is a mix of my Christian upbringing, the pagan things I have learnt and my own personal journey into clairvoyance. The main thing to me is that you do unto others what you wish done to you and I also believe that what you put out you will get back, whether good or bad. I don’t believe that spirituality is this light bulb moment when you’re filled with God’s light and become some kind of guru. I believe it is a quiet, personal journey in which you are always striving to be your best, to learn from others and to share kindness to all living creatures. How others live their life isn’t up to you (apart from guiding your children to be the best that they can be) this is your path and yours alone. What is your take on being spiritual?
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:33:55 +0000

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