When the word sacrifice comes to mind, it means to give up - TopicsExpress


When the word sacrifice comes to mind, it means to give up something that is so dear to you for something that has little to no value to you. This is shown in everyday life as too how mothers give, give more, and continue to give that really means what sacrifice is all about. So many women start mother hood so early in life they unfortunately end up sacrificing much more of life. A new mother sacrifices sleep day and night to make sure her baby is okay. She stays awake thinking about how something so beautiful could have been made by her, and wonders why she is so blessed. A mother rocks her crying baby asleep till her herself falls asleep. A mother jolts herself awake once she hears the endless wailing from her child. A mother worries when her child sneezes, she is on the phone all day with doctors, pediatricians, other mothers and such to only find out it was just a normal sneeze. A mother sacrifices more than any other person. A mother changes the worst diapers but yet enjoys those priceless moments when her child falls asleep in her arms without thinking twice about any of it. A mother sacrifices the closeness of her partner to hold her child with a fever of 103.0. A mother sacrifices nights out with the girls to stay home and watch the never ending cycle of Sesame Street. A mother sacrifices the new upcoming trends for holy jeans and a t-shirt so her child can have the newest Miley Cyrus shirts. A mother sacrifices her corner office for a corner of the kitchen table with fruit loops shoved in her computer keys. A mother sacrifices her sick day to take her child to a basketball game that she must sit and watch with a box of Kleenex. A mother sacrifices her Saturday yard work day to shofar five screaming girls to the newest movie at the theater. A mother sacrifices her slice of cheese cake, because her child gave her that look of need. A mother sacrifices her ability to soak in the hot tub due to her child needing to be clung to her at every moment of every day. A mother sacrifices a romantic night out on the town, for a slumber party of eight girls camping in the living room. A mother sacrifices her dreams for a trip to Australia for her child’s trip to see the Washington DC. A mother sacrifices her three page college paper for a three page grocery store insert because her child’s prom dance is coming up. A mother sacrifices her goal of a college education so her child can go to college. A mother sacrifices her love and importance every time she doesn’t allow her child to see that boy. A mother sacrifices every chance for a normal life just to see her child smile. The biggest sacrifice a mother could make is her own life to protect her child from harm’s way. A mother gives up so much of her life to teach her child what she knows, how to respect, how to be responsible, and most of all how to be a mother. Mothers spend years of giving, but never expect anything back. However; a mother might sacrifice everything she can to make her child happy, but when her child moves away from home she will sacrifice the most important part of life, letting go. A mother’s natural instinct of protecting their young from everything bad in this world will be broken so her child can experience life but a mother hopes the child uses the tools that have been taught to them and grows beyond a mother ability of teaching. So when the child grows up, becomes a wife, then a mother, she can sacrifice the same way and show just as much love as her mother had once showed while she was growing up. She can for fill her duties as a mother who has sacrificed.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 05:53:48 +0000

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