When to exercise, when to rest There are some illnesses and - TopicsExpress


When to exercise, when to rest There are some illnesses and injuries that a runner knows are absolute red lights to exercise. However, what about the grey area of injury and illness? What about those questionable symptoms that you are tempted to push through in order to stay consistent with a training schedule or other goal? Here are recommendations for when to toughen up, and when to rest your body. 1. Any Symptoms below the neck: REST If you experience body ache, chest congestion, coughing, swelling in the lymph nodes (often masquerading as pain in the throat, armpits, and groin), then rest. Besides your body receiving sub-optimal energy resourcing and oxygen, this may prolong illness. 2. You have a fever: REST. Most practitioners recommend maintaining body temperature below 101 degrees Fahrenheit. If your temperature is already high, exercise can take you up and over, posing a greater threat to your health. 3. Sniffles, headache, and minor cold: Proceed with Caution. This is the grey area. Some studies show that exercise can help alleviate headaches, and the endorphins produced while exercising may make minor cold symptoms seem more bearable. You may consider toning it down during this time, perhaps opting for yoga or simple stretches over high impact exercises , or indoor activity over outdoor. Don’t beat yourself up for taking a rest day. 4. Swollen Joints: REST, ICE, Proceed with Caution Depending on the cause of the swelling, you may need to see a medical professional to address joint swelling. It is not recommended to exercise on a swollen joint that is not responding to ice or over the counter anti-inflammatory medications after 48 hours. For generalized swelling after long runs or heavy lifting, lay on your back with your legs resting up against a wall. Hold this position for approximately 15-20 minutes. 5. Pain on the outer side of your foot: REST, see a health care provider If you experience severe pain at the mid-point of the outer aspect of your foot and you are having difficulty walking, then see a physician or physical therapist. This is a common point for fracture, and it’s best to rule this out rather than exacerbate it. 6. You have been diagnosed with a stress fracture by a health care professional: REST. This one absolutely must be respected. It’s a tough one because all though it is painful, it is tempting to push through it because chances are you already have been for quite some time. Stress fractures absolutely require rest in order to heal. This is not an exhaustive list, just a few major points. The “grey area” is difficult because severity in pain and illness is subjective. Listen to your body, and remember that as frustrating as it is to rest, it saves longer breaks from activity in the future.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 04:34:29 +0000

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