When you start making radical changes to improve your life, not - TopicsExpress


When you start making radical changes to improve your life, not everyone is going to be supportive. And sometimes, your biggest critics and doubters will be the exact people you expected to be in your corner rooting you on. Change is scary for some people. What if you become different, better and grow apart from them? What if you start to succeed and dont want to be held back by others? What if you find a new love that feels more pleasurable than before? Its sad to say, but there may be times when the people whom you thought were your true friends will abandon you, talk shit about you, and even try to sabotage your success because they fear losing you to something better. As I embark on this path to sobriety Ive been called a liar, accused of being doped up, and a host of other very sad things Id rather not even share. Heck, I was even told I was faking a sickness. Huh? Really? But you know what? While some people may not be supportive and try to make me feel bad about myself, I know that hundreds and thousands of other incredible people, sometimes complete strangers are on my side, encouraging me each day to just take one more small step forward. And every little bit of that helps. So thank you. Im not going to lie, I thought this sobriety thing was going to be a breeze. Boy oh boy was I wrong. The last couple days have been a monstrous challenge. However, without massive challenge there isnt massive celebration and triumph. Not too many people get to know the feeling of what its like at the top of Mt. Everest. So remember, the best things in life are tough. There will be massive hurdles and roadblocks along the way. But its these obstacles help define you as a person and mold your character into a kick-ass winner. If everything in life came easy thered be no sweet taste to success. It would probably just taste like a licorice jelly bean.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:15:00 +0000

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