Where is the Logic? Take Pertussis (whooping cough) Dr. - TopicsExpress


Where is the Logic? Take Pertussis (whooping cough) Dr. Palevsky explains this very well: Do children vaccinated with the pertussis vaccine somehow stop carrying pertussis bacteria in their airways simply because they’ve been vaccinated? NO Do pertussis vaccines stop vaccinated children from transmitting the pertussis bacteria to other people? NO Do pertussis bacteria disappear from society once vaccination rates are high? NO: Vaccination rates for pertussis have no impact on whether the pertussis bacteria are in the air or not, or whether or not we breathe them in. The presence of the pertussis bacteria, and the exposure to them, are in no way affected by vaccination status or vaccination rates. Do unvaccinated children, because they are unvaccinated, carry the bacteria in their airways, which vaccinated children are somehow no longer believed to be carrying because they’ve been vaccinated? NO Do unvaccinated children transmit the pertussis bacteria to other children by the mere fact that they are not vaccinated? NO: Air is air. Air is free to breathe. We breathe in whatever is in the air. And, vaccinated and unvaccinated children are equally exposed to breathing in pertussis bacteria. Anyone who poses as science the idea that unvaccinated children pose a threat to the population because they are unvaccinated and are more likely to transmit a disease to the rest of the population, is misleading you, promulgating myth, and inaccurate. Vaccination with the pertussis vaccine does not exonerate anyone from carrying the pertussis bacteria, or prevent them from being exposed to the bacteria. The fact is that vaccination does NOT stop you from carrying bacteria or viruses in your nose, throat, intestines, airway, skin, or in your body. We have been made to believe that if you’re vaccinated, you won’t carry the viruses, and therefore, others will be protected because you’re vaccinated. This belief is NOT based on scientific fact. You can’t vaccinate believing that your children are protected and then feel that your children are not protected because somehow, some non-vaccinated child is carrying some secret organism that one else is carrying. You can’t have it both ways. It just doesn’t make any sense. - Jacques Saisselin
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:35:32 +0000

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