Whew, our first full week at home has just flown by! We are all - TopicsExpress


Whew, our first full week at home has just flown by! We are all still working to get things back to normal as much as possible but we just know it will take some time. Chad goes back to work tomorrow for the first time since Taylors accident. He is so blessed to work for such an amazing company and we are thankful they have been so wonderful to us during this difficult time. I cant even imagine what the past 2 months would have been like without him around! Im a little nervous to see how things will go without Chad home during the day but I also know that I have such an awesome family that is here to help me. My Mom (Nana) helps me more than I can even explain. She is my biggest cheerleader and without her I would be way more of a wreck than I am! So many good things to talk about so fair warning this post may be long. I tend to be long winded but I just cant help it. First I just want to say Thank You SO much to Ronda at Painting With a Twist for putting together such a fun event for Taylor. There was such a great turn out and it seems that everyone had fun. Ive never seen so many cute panda painting before. Was really need to see how different everyones painting turned out. Was so nice to get ready and out of the house for something besides therapy or doctors appointment. Taylor had a really great time and was very tired once we got home. She did really good around all of the people and I truly believe that is some of the best therapy you can get. Second great thing going on is that Miss Taylor will be turning 8 on Saturday!!!!!!! This birthday is extra special and we cannot wait to celebrate with our closest family and friends. I know birthdays are always special but I would be lying if I didnt say this one for sure gives us a lot of reason to celebrate! She has decided she just wants to have it at the house and invite everyone here. She is very opinionated when it comes to her birthday theme and her choice for this year is Taylors Sweets & Treats...so basically a sugar over load! There will be lots of sprinkles, per her request! Should be a great time and I will post pictures after her party. I get lots of phone calls these days, but I received a very special call yesterday from a very sweet lady here in Lubbock that works for the Childrens Miracle Network. We are beyond excited and humbled to let you all know that Taylor has been chosen to be one of their Miracle Children! We have always watched and listened in to all of the stories but never in a million years did I think this would be my child. It is an honor for her to be asked and we are very grateful for this opportunity that God has placed before us. After all...its part of his plan!! To top it all of today Taylor tells us she is done with her chair. She only wants to use it if we go somewhere like the mall. This caught us all a little off guard but we quickly responded with a big OK! So her plan is to now walk (with our help of course) everywhere she needs to go in the house. I love that she is so eager to do so and would never tell her no. She walked all around the house tonight and was so determined. Every time I would ask her if she was getting tired her response was Never. She took a bath tonight all by herself which was something she has yet to do. And after her bath she stood and brushed her own teeth, that is the first time for that. So she is making huge improvements daily and also little detailed improvements that probably I only notice as her Mom. Before we came home she kept saying all she wanted to do was get down on the floor and play with Paisley. Now she is saying, will you please get this crazy baby off of me! Paisley has enjoyed her being home and its so sweet to see them interacting back to the way they use to. Taylor loves her baby sister very much and is so proud of her. Tomorrow Paisley starts back to school at Calvary. I hope they are ready for her because she is a different little girl than when she left there last year. Hope her sweet teacher gets a good nights rest!! I cant even begin to express just how thankful we are for all of you that are continuing to pray for Taylor. Every time I look at her I am simply reminded of just how precious life is. I cannot picture what today would be like if she werent still here. God has an amazing plan and I am slowly watching it unfold. I have moments when I begin to crumble but then I am quickly reminded just by the sound of her voice or by looking at her pretty green eyes that I have nothing to be sad about. Please please please keep those prayers coming! I was out and about yesterday and a very sweet lady asked me if this was Taylor Cunningham, and I told her yes. She said I have been following her on Facebook and just want you to know we pray for her and your family daily. She has no idea just how much she brightened my day. We had a pretty tough night and the morning wasnt going to great either so just her telling me that changed my whole day around! Please continue to pray for our sweet friend Hanna as she starts a new journey in her recovery. She is Taylors friend that we met at Our Childrens House and she is now at Childrens in Fort Worth. She seems to be making some great improvements at the new facility and with her new therapist. We pray for her and her family (that is now our family) every day! Cannot wait for Taylor and Hanna to play together one day! Also pray for Charlie, Londyn, William, Jordan, Dane, Brit and Sammie. These are just a few of our new friends that need all of the prayers they can get. Its safe to say we have inherited a whole new family and I couldnt be more excited about that. What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later - Romans 8:18
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 06:30:44 +0000

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