While I absolutely do NOT agree with the killing of a child, and - TopicsExpress


While I absolutely do NOT agree with the killing of a child, and while it bothers me to no end the 5 year old Kenneth White has been murdered, and the story behind it so far has been nothing but lies, I urge, beg, and plead that we do not judge the situation or people involved. So often people are horribly vilified in the court of general public, when all we will ever know is what the media reports. I know there is no excuse for what has occured to happen, I will just say prayers go a LOT further than judging or stating what you would do in vengeance. We must overcome the instinct to judge, and let the justice system work as its designed. We dont know why he wasnt with his parents. We dont know why he was living where he was. We dont know why a 19 year old was watching him or why such a story would be made up to attempt a cover up. There is much we dont, and never will know. So honestly, who are we to judge? I feel awful, I cried and hugged Rylie so tight while she slept at 3am and she was fast asleep in my arms. However judging people will not bring this boy back, and it will not make justice happen any better. Free your heart of the anger, and fill it with even more love for your loved ones we are still lucky enough to have here with us. Be thankful we arent in the shoes of anyone involved, from family to law enforcement. This is a terrible situation all the way around, but please, lets rise above this, not stoop down to it. God bless you all. Go home, eat dinner WITH your family, and enjoy life a little more, it can change in an instant~
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:52:21 +0000

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