While we are proud of our progress, we know that #Tunisia still - TopicsExpress


While we are proud of our progress, we know that #Tunisia still faces immense challenges. Violent extremists see our democratic values of moderation, consensus and gender equality as a threat to their vision; structural reforms are required to transform our economy from the personal fiefdom it once was to one based on rule of law, free enterprise and innovation. We need support to navigate these challenges. We appreciate President Obama’s positive citation of Tunisia in his speech before the United Nations in September, but support for our democracy must come both in words and action Tunisia hopes to prove that Islam and democracy can coexist in the Middle East. That we, too, yearn for freedom. That we, too, can develop a progressive, inclusive system. That our people can put the interests of their nation above personal political interests. But we need the West to invest in our democracy — not just for our sake but for all those with a stake in a more secure world.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 21:27:25 +0000

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