Why America Must Say No to Scotland’s Independence From Great - TopicsExpress


Why America Must Say No to Scotland’s Independence From Great Britain harddawn In September of 2014, the people of Scotland will vote on whether to declare independence from the United Kingdom. There is no word yet on whether the powers that be in London will allow this to happ.... Like · 6 mins .. John Watt Never have I read so much drivvle in my life..Its got to be a wind up?..................The dole is the British version of welfare and it is far more entrenched than any American system. Huge sections of Scottish villages and cities are composed of public housing projects known as, “council estates” and here, heroin addiction is common. Psychological health and street crime are two additional crucial issues facing Scots today. Because of these problems, the Scottish people are not known to be particularly warm or friendly. They lack the maternal obsessiveness of the Spaniards or Romans. Their boys are not meek, but because they lack a normal family structure, they’re often morally undeveloped. The love of God and Faith found in America is unheard of in Scotland. Without morality, many Scots tend to lack vision. Few are truly ambitious, and this can also be traced back to widespread use of government handouts. This dilemma is manifested in a physicality that is often flabby and slow. They do not prize a healthy and muscled physique as boys do in the United States. A weakness of body and spirit may explain their low birth rates. Scottish women take little care with their personal appearance, and the men are not endowed with any propensity for lovemaking, as the old saying goes.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:28:59 +0000

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