Why Not Me Lord? Jeremiah 12:1-4, Lord, you always give me justice - TopicsExpress


Why Not Me Lord? Jeremiah 12:1-4, Lord, you always give me justice when I bring a case before you. So let me bring this complaint: Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy? You have planted them, and they have taken root and prospered. Your name is on their lips, but you are far from their hearts. But as for me, Lord, you know my heart. You see me and test my thoughts. Drag these people away like sheep to be butchered! Set them aside to be slaughtered! How long must this land mourn? Even the grass in the fields has withered. The wild animals and birds have disappeared because of the evil in the land. For the people have said, The Lord doesnt see whats ahead for us!...... This book in the Bible, is packed full of reflections of why our Nation has become so lost! We have become the wicked people talked about in this particular passage! We, and I am including myself, dont even talk about the Lord anymore, much less have Him close to our hearts! Am I defining you, my friend? As one who lives in the United States, could it be possible that Jeremiah might be complaining of you to the Lord? I think it is possible!... I truly believe with all my heart, that we the people of the United States, have allowed the blessings of God to become our idols! And if you would only read your Bibles, it says that if we love anything in this world more than the Lord Jesus Christ, we will not be in Heaven when we die, regardless of your past accomplishments!!! Can I ask you a question: What would your lifestyle look like if you started obeying the commandments and words of the Bible? Do you think it would look any different than the lifestyle that your presently living? Or would it look drastically different because presently you are allowing the words of man, and the definition that man has come up with, that has defined the word Christian?..... My challenge to you, my friend: Living as a Christian means that you have a relationship with GOD! Well, do you?
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 10:17:38 +0000

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