Why PPC Management Doesnt Work As an entrepreneur and business - TopicsExpress


Why PPC Management Doesnt Work As an entrepreneur and business owner, I’m often faced with personal and professional challenges that I keep beating my head against trying to find an easy fix. Some examples would include predictable and consistent sales, flawless fulfillment, or getting my kids to eat their dang dinner. After finding that I continue to struggle with many of the same issues repeatedly, I couldn’t help but laugh at my efforts to date to solve them. Too often I have myself convinced that there is the magical fix to instantly solve all of my problems with the right sales person, marketing campaign, new fulfillment process, just forcing it, or maybe even a wife that will finally understand how much harder my life is than hers ;-) Ever find yourself feeling the same way? What I’ve come to learn is that there are rarely shortcuts to being successful in our personal relationships and professional endeavors. I think this Rocky movie clip says it best: youtu.be/MwPb7g_BlXQ So what do Godzilla and Rocky Balboa have to do with PPC Management working for your business? Well, surprisingly they have a lot in common. Within the last year I’ve had hundreds of business owners, marketers, and sales leaders approach me and my organization in hopes that working with us, as their new PPC Management Company, would solve all of their business performance problems. While almost without fail we can improve the performance of the AdWords or BingAds campaigns, it will rarely solve the actual business challenges they are facing. So am I saying that PPC Management really doesn’t work then? The answer to that question is that PPC Management alone will not solve your company’s performance issues. When you think about the points Ill make below I’m confident you’ll agree with me. No new keywords, ads, or countless bid changes will magically take you from zero to hero but let me provide some insight on what will. Leveraging PPC Marketing to drive sales for your business requires focus on three key aspects to be successful: 1. Driving Quality Traffic – AKA PPC Management There is no denying that without traffic you’ve really got nothing to work with. Getting the right traffic is key and that is where effective PPC Management is critical. Targeting your audience effectively through Paid Search, Display Advertising, Retargeting and Paid Social Media is where it all begins. The key between average and excellent PPC Management comes through effective targeting, consistency in message match, and a compelling offer to act. Unfortunately too many businesses expect traffic to solve their problems, however, all the traffic in the world doesn’t necessarily do you any good. If you’d like to learn more about how to drive better quality traffic by setting up your AdWords account correctly you should download our guide HERE: 2. Conversion Rate Optimization All the quality traffic to your site will do you zero good if it doesn’t convert into leads or sales for your business. In addition, the days are long gone where PPC traffic was cheap enough to just make it work through brute force of cheap traffic in volume. In order to make the transition from PPC being a cost center to a profitable revenue driver, it requires a very serious and consistent focus on conversion rate optimization. Consistent testing of landing pages and the sales funnels is often more value adding than a million changes made in an AdWords campaign. It is not uncommon for us to improve B2B lead conversion rates from 3% to 15%, which immediately increases lead volume by 5X without spending a penny more. We have developed B2C landing pages that have even exceeded 50% conversion rates, which has completely changed what those businesses thought was possible. There are few things more satisfying and value adding as getting that landing page nailed down and converting at a rate that helps all the numbers start to make sense. If you’re interested in learning how to build high converting landing pages you should download our Landing Page Guide HERE: 3. ROI Focused Analytics & Integrations Here is where the rubber really hits the road. What good does traffic and great conversion rates do you if you still aren’t profitable? You might be tempted to raise the victory flag when you decrease your cost per click or improve your conversion rate, however, until you see a profitable ROI on your PPC efforts you still have a lot of work to do. Having visibility into the performance of your campaign is step one. For e-commerce businesses this can easily be accomplished with Google Analytics. If you have a higher than average refund rate you will want to account for that in the reporting. For businesses using PPC to drive leads for their sales team, it is important that you sync the data into your CRM so that when deals start to close you can know exactly where those come from. The key here is to start optimizing your campaigns on the metrics that actually matter which is the bottom line revenue. Once you can tie these pieces together you may be shocked at the areas where you are literally burning money and how those higher cost leads may actually be your best friends. If you’d like a few tips on how to set all of this up correctly you should check out our ROI focused Analytics guide HERE: Final Thoughts: PPC Management alone is not enough to make your business successful. While focusing on the three elements I mentioned above will help it can’t make up for a poor performing sales team, low quality products, or a bad business model. The trick to getting all of this to work is to start focusing on the key performance indicators that actually matter to your business and holding yourself, your employees, and agencies accountable to do their part. The reality is we are all making a lot of mistakes along the way in both our personal and professional lives. I think the key is to be okay with trying and being humble enough to adapt quickly as we learn. There are rarely quick fixes for the real problems we face but with a good attitude, some hard work, and a willingness to learn we can get there. Id love to hear about some of the quick fixes youve tried that fell flat on their faces. Feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly to share! Sandeep Gupta CEO & Founder- ASIAWEBMEDIA
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:18:17 +0000

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