Why did the WWF/E put an end to the Attitude Era? This is a - TopicsExpress


Why did the WWF/E put an end to the Attitude Era? This is a question that many asked and has been answered by many. But I will still answer it though. The answer is simple. Nothing Lasts Forever! There was the Golden Age Era (1984-1990). With Hulk Hogan as the main guy in it. Then the New Generation Era (1993-1997). With Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels , The Undertaker on some occasions. Being the main guys. Then the Attitude Era (1997-2001). With Stone Cold , The Rock and Mankind being the main guys. Triple H had some popularity in it. Then they had this great idea called The Invasion Angle, which they could have done Amazing things with but instead they completely screwed that up. But then we got the Ruthless Aggression Era (2002-2007). That was a big draw for a short while but as we all are so very well aware everything in life has to move on and change. If WWE stayed in one of these eras , I dont think there wouldve been something called WWE right now. Also the style has changed. Back in the 90s people liked rock music. They enjoyed Hardcore wrestling. Or maybe its likely because WWE beat WCW or because Linda McMahon went in to politics, first running for Governor of Connecticut, then trying for a Connecticut Senate seat twice so WWE felt the PG era would help her chances so WWE had to hit the switch to a friendlier program. (Believe it or not but WWE is making HUGE bank off charities and the Cena Character, and did you know John Cena makes WWE an estimated $100,000,000 dollars a year annually?). Now it is out of fashion. If you want swearing , blood , violence and hardcore matches. Go watch independent shows like CZW. They beat the shit out of each other there. I know many today feel that the product WWE puts out is total garbage but it still has some positives. And I feel like this also PG Is simple a Television Rating so dont Criticize what you clearly dont watch. To me its number one proof that many people arent actual Professional Wrestling Fans if all they do is praise the Attitude Era and bash all other eras. But just my views and opinions.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:33:46 +0000

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