Why do schools seem to be more concerned with how kids look - TopicsExpress


Why do schools seem to be more concerned with how kids look instead of the actual education that is supposed to be happening? What is with all of these strict dress codes around hair? like for real its a persons hair why is it so wrong that they want to style it a certain way? I would maybe understand if the children were going to school unclean and with their hair in knots from not being brushed but if it is clean and the child is comfortable what is the issue? The only thing schools are teaching by making a big deal about how someones hair looks is that being judgmental and mean towards another person is okay and acceptable. This is why I really wish that I could home school my kids and you bet your ass that if I am in the position to do so when they get to that age I will be doing so. It is just astounding how close minded people can be and then they wonder why bullying and harassment are so common in our education system. The school boards and educators need to be a positive example not encourage negative behavior towards peoples looks... shine.yahoo/parenting/tulsa-girl-switches-schools-over-dreadlocks-181400766.html
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 15:37:44 +0000

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