Why do you want to go to college? That seems to be a commonly - TopicsExpress


Why do you want to go to college? That seems to be a commonly asked question among those who are in high school. Every time someone asks me that simple, yet complex question to answer, so many different reasons come to mind. I know that in college I either want to major in secondary English education, physiology, or athletic management. I am also thinking about minoring in vocal music. For one of the reasons I want to go to college is to make a better life for myself, my family, and my own future. I want to be successful in life. Not necessarily making the most money, but enough to get by, at least. I just want to be happy. I want to be successful enough to be a role model to others who don’t have the best luck, yet they still manage to succeed with hard work and dedication. For me, not attending college is absolutely not an option. I don’t care where I have to go or how much it is, if I’m accepted into any university, I will attend and, I will do everything in my will power to strive for excellence. And soon pay off my college education. I plan on learning a lot about myself, as well. I hope to find a new motivation each time I run into struggle and learn from any mistake I may have, if I should make any. College seems like the most scariest part of a persons life. You have to pay a lot of money to get an education, but I imagine in the long run it’ll be worth it. Going to classes where you could spend 30 minutes or even two hours in, but you’re gaining so much knowledge to maintain excellence for whatever you’re going to school for. I hear all of the stereotypes about college life; however, I won’t give into anything I chose not to do. I’m know that I will have to stay focused with studying for exams or just listening to the instructor. All of the added on things, the extras, will always be there after a six hour study session. A huge reason I plan on college in my future is because my family doesn’t necessarily coexist with the word, college. However, my mother, Kim, attended Brown Mackie College, where she received her associate’s degree in veterinarian technician. As well as my mother, my oldest sister of two, Amanda, is currently attending Cincinnati State earning her associate of science degree. Those are just recent cases that any of my immediate family members have attended college. If you were to look at my family history, the name, Cornes, doesn’t really associate with college. When I do become a full-time college student, I will be the first on my father’s side to attend college. An amazing feat I will accomplish. Well, as you can tell, college is a must for me. I would really love to go to the college of my choice and I know that my high school transcript is not as flourishing as other’s may be; however, I will be that student in college that will shock the world and become successful. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 01:57:52 +0000

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