With a heavy heart. Upon returning from Machu Picchu, I had a - TopicsExpress


With a heavy heart. Upon returning from Machu Picchu, I had a phone full of pictures, personalized videos, a lot of writing, and a lot of sound recordings ready to turn into songs... And in the rush out of the taxi, I realized my phone was still on my seat, as the taxi drove off. Intuition told me to run after the taxi, because it was driving off very slowly and I felt that I had forgotten something. Mentality told me to check my bags first. And by the time I realized I didnt have my phone, the taxi was gone. Unlike my previous traumatic taxi experience in Costa Rica, this taxi driver was extremely friendly, played us music from his favorite band Qualamarca, and we tipped him well for driving us to our hostel in Pisac all the way from Cusco late at night for a good price. So part of me hopes that he will see my phone and come back to the hostel to drop it off. Another part of me knows that I have to let it go and let the universe play out the outcome. I mentioned this to the song circle that I went to tonight in the Sanada Wasi Tipi, and everyone encouraged me, saying that if I could create all of that, theres infinitely more to bloom. I was so excited to share all of the magic I had recently created, and knew how inspiring it would be for everyone I know and dont yet know. And I was ready to upload all of it as soon as possible. And now, though I am completely open to my phone returning to me, I also accept the possibility that I may never get to share what was on it. The memories and the songs are still within me, and this is a big wake up call to really spend time cultivating what I wish to share, not to rush, to keep track of whats important to me (even though I felt like I was constantly keeping conscious contact with my phone), and to upload as much as and as soon as possible. Its also a wake up call to keep doing what Im doing, because theres infinitely more always brewing and ready to blossom. Last night I was full of resentment. All day today, I got to visit hundreds of indigenous children all around the sacred valley, playing music to them and helping to pass out gifts and healthy treats. And I began to find resolution. And now, I am at peace, still wondering why and how that happened, and open to the best possible miracle outcome, and yet, accepting, accepting, accepting. I had finished writing a two page article about Generation Waking Up and I.Am.Life. on my phone for the Reinhabiting the Village book. Though I still have the rough draft saved, the final draft was likely the best writing Ive ever done, inspired by the energy of Machu Picchu. Though I can remember a lot of what I had written, Im finding it difficult to put the same gusto and style into this piece. But with big breathes and patience, I know its all coming back, even more powerful than before. And most of all, Ive been contemplating why this keeps happening to me. If its all lessons, why cant I seem to learn? Or maybe the miracle is on its way, and as I meditate, breathe and pray, it all falls into place. My life has been a constant stream of synchronistic miracles, and nothing exempts this situation from becoming miraculous. So with the transparency of this message, I invite any and all prayers for a miraculous return of my phone so I can share the music, musings, photos and videos with you. I also invite any help in making peace from, learning from, and resolving the inner emotional unrest from this situation. If youve made it this far in my message, thank you for listening, and Im grateful to have the opportunity to write it all out. I know its over material, and it upset me tremendously. And I also know that theres infinitely more to come. A new year is on its way, and a new beginning. Its already been such a new beginning being here in Peru, and I commit to continuing to share the fruits of this ongoing transformation, for ultimately, this awakening is a collective experience. All thats left is gratitude and love, and Im so grateful to be living in love. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 05:43:21 +0000

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