Without Money zetatalk/rules/r09.htm What is money? A medium of - TopicsExpress


Without Money zetatalk/rules/r09.htm What is money? A medium of exchange. Something of consistent value, or at least stable value, which allows the barter system to take place in a more abstract manner. If one grows and markets apples, for instance, they do not have to haul around a bag of apples in order to purchase milk or pay the rent, although this option is still open to the apple grower. Without money, the apple grower must haul apples about, and this is tiresome and such matters as spoilage must be dealt with. However, the existence of money, which has been called the root of all evil, supports activities that give no value in and of themselves. What benefit, truly, are the virtual gambling casinos that go by names such as Stock Exchange, Commodity Market, or Bond Market? This benefits those who can manipulate faster, or with a more clever sleight of hand, but benefit the overall not one wit. These activities are in fact parasitic on the overall, as the operators must be fed and housed, yet contribute nothing. Often, in fact, they benefit at the expense of the very people who should benefit - those who produce. The principal beneficiaries of money gambling arenas are those already wealthy, who hire clever gamblers who in the main stop at nothing to succeed. The laws governing this activity do not stop lies, theft, or evasion of regulation. This is due to the pressure and inducements that the wealthy place on legislators. The little guy loses, again. So, how do Service-to-Other societies function without money, a medium of exchange? Money is used to indicate to others what the individual has earned or has a right to spend. However money is presented, whether cash, a line of credit, a credit card with a balance under the credit limit, antiques or jewelry with an appraised value, real estate with an appraised value - all indicate that the holder can spend or exchange goods to this amount. What this also means is that without such proof of worth, the individual cannot spend, and is on charity. At this point the individual gets free food and lodging from either the government or charitable organizations, or goes out on the street as so many do. For simplicitys sake, you can consider Service-to-Others to operate as though everyone were a charity case. We will be explicit. The apple grower, when in need of some item other than the apples he grows, simply goes and takes them. Likewise, others simply come and take apples, as needed. If there are too few apples, then there is distress communicated telepathically and a meeting of the group is called, or perhaps the issue has come up during the regular meetings. As there is distress, others in the group weigh their current activities in light of the new need, and discuss alternatives. Essentially, someone who may be on sabbatical in order to devote to learning may cut this short to assist, or someone who has taken responsibility for doing laundry may find they have extra time on their hands, and volunteer. Or, it may be that in weighing the activities of all, the conclusion of the group is that apples are of less importance, and an agreement is reached to parse the existing supply out more carefully. In this way, money is replaced by communication and cooperation, and this works just fine. Do Unto Others zetatalk/index/zeta160.htm In the simple words of Jesus, ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha, Star Children all who came to leave a gift of clarity for mankind, all preached the same message. Equality, where ‘the least of you’ is considered on the same level as the self. Considering ones physical needs, for food and shelter, in a manner that balances concern for what others need, what the goat about to be slaughtered might feel, what the land over grazed or tilled into a dust bowl might need. Confusing, a quagmire of intellectual decisions, if left to the intellect alone. What these great preachers left with mankind was the suggestion that the answer lies in the heart. Before you do something that will affect another, put yourself in that other’s place, and imagine the consequences of your action. This is generally known as the Golden Rule, ‘do unto others’. Driven by the heart, one will never make an errant decision from a spiritual standpoint. A man in agony over whether to share the meat from his last goat with his starving neighbors, when his own family is faint from hunger most of the time, will find his answer by placing himself in their perspective as well as his familys perspective. What sense of abandonment will his neighbors have, seeing his family feast when they are cramped and weak. What need to throw up walls against empathy for the neighbors will his family require in order to choke down the meal quickly, blinded to the neighbors plight. He chooses sharing, seeing that damage to the soul is the greater danger, as the physical will in any case pass. The reason that an average of 1,000 lifetimes is required for a young soul to reach its orientation decision is this complexity, as the man about to share his last goat with his neighbors, each a bite and none a full meal, knows from experience what the alternatives are. He has experienced abandonment, has forced himself to block empathy at some time in his past lives, and has experienced hunger to the point of starving to death, and thus can arrive at his decision. He has become, rather than a young soul, an old soul, wise. The Earth currently has a large number of very young souls, due to the population explosion, most so immature as to be considered infants, if an old and wise soul is to be considered aged. How does one explain to an infant that the others in the playpen must be considered? Where infants are often considered to be focused solely on themselves, they in fact respond to other infants put in the playpen, smiling at each other and vicariously enjoying the play of the other. Body language, the vibes that all living creatures exude and which can be read by another, are there. Thus, even infants can practice the Golden Rule, even on a first lifetime, and this is the lifeline to be used going into any event when sudden change and turmoil will ensue. This is our best advice.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 02:08:21 +0000

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