Wonderful and thought provoking question from a Mexican friend of - TopicsExpress


Wonderful and thought provoking question from a Mexican friend of mine from over 30 years ago: Alberto May: Querido Rasul, In light of recent events, I thought it would be important to write to you. We have known each other since we were children and I respect you and your opinions very much. I feel that at this point, with all that is currently happening in the world, It would be in everyones best interest if all spiritual leaders of Islam and the Muslim faith, came out and publicly denounced attacks of violence and denounced all jihadist. It is a well known fact that Islams philosophy is about peace, love, and acceptance. It is also a possibility that these few extremists are shinning a black light of negativity and misunderstanding onto Muslim people. As an atheist and citizen of the world, I am fearful that the innocent people who are part of this faith will be viewed as people who hold the same misguided values that these criminals hold. So I say to you and to all leaders (spiritual and politicaL) to come out and speak against these terrorists. Un Abrazo Rasul Muhammad: To my dear friend of over 32 years Alberto May; I pray that you and your family are well and continueing to grow in the universal consciousness of Freedom, Justice rand Equality for all regardless of their creed, class, race or color. It has been many years since seeing you last and I am sure life and world events have impacted and influenced your thinking as it has mine. However, I really appreciated the intelligent manner of your expression. In response Id like you to know and all of our mutual friends from Mexico on Facebook; that I and the MUSLIMS under the spiritual guidance of my Father the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad of the Nation Of Islam in the Western Hemisphere have always and continue to DENOUNCE violent, abusive oppression of ANY people. As you stated in the beginning of your letter it is a well known fact that ISLAM is a religion of peace. In fact the Arabic word ISLAM itself literally means PEACE. As a religion, ISLAM is the practice of the art of living in PEACE and harmony with the WILL and WAY of ALLAH (DIOS) and all of HIS Creation. Since we as MUSLIMS acknowledge ALLAH (DIOS) as the Creator, OBEDIENCE to HIS Will, Way and Laws that govern the Universe itself is our creed. So, many would say ISLAM means entire submission to GOD and MUSLIM means one who surrenders to GOD. Now this word JIHAD is for we the MUSLIMS sacred and PERSONAL because it is the Arabic word that describes the primary internal and external struggle in the Human process of our submission to ALLAH (GOD / DIOS). For an example from a moral and spiritual perspective, one cannot even begin to build a strong moral character without declaring a Jihad within themselves to resist their own wicked inclinations to rebel against righteousness. If there are social activities that practice immorality and indecency it is the MUSLIM way to practice our Jihad against it by simple resisting the temptation and participation in it. JIHAD is not a title, Its a description of obedience to GOD. JIHADIS and ISLAMIS are twisted terms invented by the propagandist news networks whos aim is to mislead and miseducate the ignorant masses who are subject to their neratives. I as a MUSLIM and Human being I DENOUNCE political democratic hypocricy. I as a MUSLIM and Human being I DENOUNCE oppression in ALL of Its forms. I as a MUSLIM and Human being DENOUNCE inconsiderate and disrespectful mockery of the culture and beliefs of others that may differ from my own under the guise of freedom of speech. I as a MUSLIM and Human being DENOUNCE racism and classism no mater where it is practiced in the world. I as a MUSLIM and Human being DENOUNCE the arrogant cowardice of even those who have been my friends in the past who ask me to DENOUNCE biasly people who live in other parts of the world when they are too cowardly to DENOUNCE in their own countries and the evil practices of their own people. Remember the rationale given by the great MUHAMMAD ALI in the late 1960s when the U.S Government attempted to draft him into the armed services to fight the war in Vietnam. ALI said as a Conscientious Objector DENOUNCING the war; No Vietcon ever called me a NIGGAR!.. I say to you, no religious Islamic group 6 thousand miles away are responsable for the wholesale killing of many of my UNARMED Black, Brown and Native American brothers whos blood today is running like a river through the streets of urban cities of the United Sates of America? No Islamic Jihadis were responsable for the torture, killing and burning of the bodies of 43 young students of a Teachers College here in the neighboring state of Guerrero Mexico. Reports show that over the last couple of years nearly 100 thousand of YOUR own Mexican people have been decapitated, tortured to death, kidnapped and remain missing with VERY little government investigation to bring about justice that would provide PEACE and SECURITY for the poor and disinfranchised of your people. So you have the audacity to ask me and other MUSLIM Ministers to DENOUNCE what is terrifying you 6 thousand miles away? For WHOM and in WHOs best INTEREST should I DENOUNCE these corrupt rogue militant groups in the Middle East where I am NOT from nor where I even live? It seems very hypocritical to act like you care about what is going on in another country while you do very little if anything for your own. Why dont you call for your own Catholic Priests that are conscientious objecters of the corrupt, criminal child molesting abusive Churches throughout the country to DENOUNCE this form of TERRORISM perpetrated on the poor MEXICAN and indigenous people? Why dont you call on your own middle to upper class friends to DENOUNCE with you the wicked and corrupt practices of your own Mexican Government and families who still to this day practice unequal and in many cases abusive treatment of your domestic servants and so-called lower class bretheren who are the vast majority of the population? To ALL my childhood friends who have left their own country in persuit of a better life else where may GOD bless you with relative peace as you learn greater humility. As for me, my lifes journey traveling, living amongst various different cultures has taught me the great value of the truth spoken by a former Mexican President BENITO JUAREZ who said; El respeto al derecho ajeno es la PAZ! (Respect for the Rights of others is PEACE!). As for oppressed people every where, FREEDOM has never been given.. It must be fought for! I closing, with the words of one of my greatest Mexican heroes EMILIANO ZAPATA; I would rather DIE on my feet than to LIVE on my kneese! May GOD bless the poor and rejected to attain FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY! I pray the meek shall inheret the Earth and restore the balance of Power. Thank you Alberto for the thought provoking question. :-) #shareRASUL
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:43:59 +0000

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