(YELLOW IS MY DOMINANT AURA COLOR) WHAT IS A YELLOW AURA and what does it mean to have Yellow aura one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura colors that surround an individual reflect their personality, mood and point to their future destiny. Yellow Aura people are analytically inclined people, logical and very intelligent. They tend to excel in careers that involve teaching and study and make excellent inventors and scientists. They can have a tendency to work too hard and can easily become a workaholic putting their work above personal relationships. Yellow Aura people are perfectly happy in their own company and do not suffer loneliness. They are prone to mental health pressures, though and can become withdrawn and depressed when stressed. The Yellow Aura individual is a brilliant communicator and can display their skills on a one to one basis and in front of large crowds. They are confident in their abilities to get their ideas and messages across and will inspire others. Yellow Aura people have very good observation skills and can read people easily. They possess extremely good perception. Because of this, they will choose their few friends carefully. Any friends they do have will need to match the Yellow Aura persons wit and intellect. The Yellow Aura individual tends to put their head above their heart when faced with difficult choices and decision making. They are unorthodox and unconventional thinkers and not afraid to experiment with different ideas and original concepts. To some the Yellow Aura seems a little eccentric with unusual interests and hobbies. They are attracted to anything which is considered intellectual or unusual. The main fault of a person who has a predominant Yellow Aura is that they can be overly critical of themselves and others at times, they do not however intend to offend anyone, they just say the truth and what is on their minds.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:33:46 +0000

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