YES, THINGS ARE GETTING MORE AND MORE INTERESTING BY THE MINUTE. THERE IS EVEN DISCLOSURE OF BENEVOLENT LIGHT BEINGS HELPING PUTIN AND THE GOOD GUYS. FABULOUS!!! In spite of the evidence that Israel has deployed some of its Terrorist Patsy groups to the Ukraine to start a Color Revolution and America has also apparently deployed its Al Cia Duh Terror groups to the Ukraine to assist, President Putin has responded calmly, but decisively. He appears to have started deploying some of his best Anti-Terror troops to Crimea to secure the Ukraine. It should be a fair assumption that if Israel and America do not back down and stop deploying terrorists to the Ukraine, President Putin will likely fight fire with fire and deploy whatever Russian Military force is necessary to stop this outside agitation and generation of violence, terror and chaos inside the Ukraine. Will President Putin back down and let Israel and American offshore corporate interests Balkanize the Ukraine and divide its vast natural resources? A fair number of experts do not believe that President Putin will allow this to happen. And could it be that his strong confidence is a result of a newly updated treaty with a group of Aliens that is working hard to expose the Franken, Sabbattean World Zionists (WZs) and the IZCS, and to stop their evil reign of power? If this particular group of Aliens has entered into an agreement to establish Space war parity for Putin’s new Russia, perhaps this has bolstered his confidence and resolve to deal effectively with the zionist Israeli/American-driven terror in the Ukraine. Perhaps this group of anti-zionist Aliens has told President Putin to respond confidently and not to worry about the zios at all, that they will cover his back.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 00:44:51 +0000

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