YESTERDAYS CHANNELED READING (I FELT SOME PEOPLE COULD USE IT TODAY) ~ I HOPE TO HAVE SOME AVAILABLE FOR THE LIGHT WORKERS AT THE FESTIVAL AS MESSAGES FOR LIGHTWORKERS Do know that there are forces at play. You are a force as well. Are you playing? Are you engaging? How much of you are you believing in and nurturing and shining out to the world? If you want the world to look a certain way, then embodying those qualities is what you should be working toward. Worry not about the rest of the world; worry not about the naysayers and the dooms-dayers and those who say nothing good is coming of our experience here on earth. Worry not of those who criticize you and/or who try to knock you down. It is not them you need to worry about. It is YOU: your own mind and your own heart. Stay there and work from there and clean up there. The rest will be gravy when you do. If something irks you and sets you into a tailspin do realize it is not that “situation” or that person who is doing that to you – it is you doing that to you. Moreover, it is part of you reflecting that and part of you being triggered by that and part of you that has not yet overcome that (whatever “that” may be for you today). And this and that changes all the time. Worry not even about THAT! Just stay strong in your core and your values of love and joy. Keep working on self and you will see the new day; the new earth; the new way to live in joy. It is up to you for it is in your own mind/heart. Do go there and clean up the space for the new to arrive and thrive. Blessings to you on this fine day.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:35:30 +0000

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