YOU DO NOT HAVE FIBROMYALGIA! WHAT YOU COULD HAVE IS ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING… A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Autoimmune Condition A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Thyroid Condition A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Digestive Malfunction A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Liver Toxicity A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Blood Glucose Imbalance A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Infectious History (i.e. virus, yeast, fungi, bacteria) A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Adrenal Gland Malfunction ( these are you stress glands) A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Anemia (most likely iron anemia, B12, or Pernicious anemia) A misdiagnosed/undiagnosed or mistreated Hormone Imbalance Misdiagnosed/mistreated Brain Fog, Depression, Short term memory lapses, etc. SYMPTOM CHECKER: These 10 conditions are listed below including symptoms. A statement I can honestly make is as follows: You, more than likely, have many of these listed below. For better understanding of what you really have, check conditions and symptoms below… THE TEN CONDITIONS AND SYMPTOMS MANY OF YOU HAVE AutoImmune Conditions/Inflammation - Immune system attacks self cells/tissues. Symptoms include feeling like you have the flu everyday, fatigue, achy muscles/joints, neuropathy, exacerbation of pain, fibromyalgia, system inflammation, brain fog, etc. Digestive System Malfunction/Leaky Gut - Heartburn, irritable bowel, bloating, burping, abdominal pain, gas, constipation or loose bowels. Digestive malfunction can also lead to autoimmunity, increased inflammation, swelling, asthma, allergies, depression, etc. Chronic/Acute Infections - History of candida/yeast infections, UTI’s, viruses like hepatitis, Epstein Bar, Herpes, parasites, bacteria, etc. These will cause chronic inflammation due to increased immune response and can lead to an autoimmune condition. Liver Toxicity - fatigue, intolerance to high fat foods, abdominal pain hours after eating, dry itchy skin, nausea, pitting edema, joint pain, easy bruising, diabetes, and headaches, to name a few. Liver is always involved due to the amount of toxins we are exposed to daily. Anemia - usually in the form of B12/ folate anemia/ pernicious anemia/ iron deficiency anemia. Fatigue and weakness due to low oxygen are common symptoms. If anemic, it is impossible to heal due to lack of oxygen to tissues. Blood Sugar Imbalance - Too low = irritable/lightheaded if meals missed, jittery/anxious if meals missed, poor memory blurred vision, crave sweets, slow starter in the a.m. Too high = fatigue after eating, inability to lose weight despite low calorie diet, crave sweets, increased frequency of urination, increased thirst, high cholesterol, etc. Adrenal Malfunction - fatigue, inability to deal with stress, you feel worn out, inability to lose weight, anxious, blood sugar issues, sleep issues (insomnia), muscle wasting/fat deposition, depression, tired upon waking even with long sleep, afternoon fatigue, weak nails, crave salt, dizziness when standing, etc. Thyroid Malfunction - fatigue, depression, constipation, difficulty losing weight/weight gain, lack of motivation/mental sluggishness, thinning hair, dry hair/skin/nails, hair loss, cold hands/feet, etc. Hormone Imbalances - anxiety, depression, fat deposition, mood swings, hot flashes, headaches/migraines, loss of motivation or zest for life, PMS, etc. Brain Malfunction - brain fog, depression, poor memory, anxiety, chronic fatigue 5 Very Common Mistakes When Treating Fibromyalgia Using a one cure one cause approach. Having studied this diagnosis for over 15 years I can tell you with 100% conviction there are many issues going on that are commonly misdiagnosed, tested improperly, and certainly mistreated. Thinking that one thing can make major positive changes is naive to say the least. The lack of understanding how many different systems are involved but more importantly how they all malfunction together creating the many symptoms you have. The “take these medications or supplements” for this or that symptom approach. The fastest way to fail in treating Fibro is to use this approach. Fixing mechanisms so by the end of a treatment protocol you need very few meds or supplements is the key. When the body is functioning properly, it should not need a lot of help. Less is always better. This is rarely if ever the approach. Testing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. Many of my patients tell me many, if not all, of their tests have come back normal and that they are told “everything is fine”! The healthcare providers are simply not looking at the right things. If you don’t know what to look for or how to look for answers, the outcomes can’t be good. You can’t fix what you don’t or can’t find! Not understanding the “Golden Ten”. When it comes to Fibromyalgia, research clearly identifies 10 issues that contribute to many, if not all, of your symptoms. These include misdiagnoses/mistreated autoimmune conditions, infections, digestive system involvement, liver dysfunction, anemia, blood glucose imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal malfunction, hormone imbalances, and brain/neurologic involvement. You continue to suffer because not many healthcare providers know how to properly test, identify, and treat all of these issues. If you suffer from or have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain / Chronic Fatigue chances are you are FRUSTRATED to say the least. Here’s the reality…You’ve been to multiple doctors who have done many different tests and tell you everything is fine. If they did find something, they prescribe some type of medication to help relieve symptoms. Next thing you know you are taking multiple medications or supplements, nothing is fixed and you STILL feel terrible! The first thing I want you to know is this, FIBROMYALGIA IS JUST WORD OR A LABEL. What it really means is…..You have multiple systems of your body malfunctioning creating multiple symptoms. These malfunctioning systems create the signs and symptoms you experience daily.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 04:35:39 +0000

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