Yard Saling with Donkeys ... Me: Ok, Ben & Boxer, are you two - TopicsExpress


Yard Saling with Donkeys ... Me: Ok, Ben & Boxer, are you two taking first shift this morning? B&B: Yes, Mom! Were ready! Yea for people! Violet: NO! Mom, you said that I get a turn this weekend! I wanna go! I dont need a stinkin buddy, either! I can do it all by MYSELF! Me: Violet, we were kind of waiting until *that time* was past but, if we put you up there alone ... you should be ok. Violet: Yea! Watch THIS boys! Ill show you how to charm those people! and charm she did ... just as sweet as could be, dripping with honey ... until ... Violet: Mom, I miss my cousins. Can you go get them and bring them up here? Me: Violet, theres not really enough room for three of you up here but I can go get Eddie. Be right back. Eddie was ready to go (as were B&B, of course, because they think that ONLY they should greet people) ... Eddie: Hi Violet! Violet: Hi Eddie! Can you come keep me company? I dont like it when nobody is paying attention to me. nose rubs ... Eddie: Sure! Can I share your hay, too?, & tries to take a nibble. Violet: NO! That is MY hay! Im gonna kick you if you try that again! and she did ... Eddie: Violet, I know you are a girl but I am TIRED of you always telling everyone what they can & cannot eat. I am finally going to kick you back! and he did ... and then we had peace and they were both a couple of little angels with lots of little people to feed them cookies and kiss their noses and fawn over them ... Two hour shifts today so I brought Vi & Eddie to the back, cleaned up, and then brought the B&B twins up front ... B&B: Yea! Its about time! WE belong up here! Me: Ya know, guys ... those two did pretty darn good after they finished squabbling. B&B: Yes, but WE never squabble! We LOVE each other! (pretty much true. Boxer does squabble with other donkeys but not Ben and Ben never squabbles with anyone, ever) Me: Ok, Boxer; lets practice with your horn before anyone else arrives. weak bite ... no cookie ... but he does get praised for trying. I used to click/treat for effort but now he KNOWS how to do this so he just gets encouraged to try again until we get a HONK! Boxer: HONK! Me: Click! Great job! and a cookie A couple of cars arrive and we get to talking about donkeys and items for sale and people go in to talk to the other donkeys, as well. Boxer: HONK! Me: Click! Great job! and a cookie This happens a few times. Then, I go into the barn to answer some more donkey questions and others ... Boxer: HONK! I head out and (no click because I was not right there) give him praise and a cookie. THIS happens a few times ... Boxer: Mom! I got this!!! I honk the horn and YOU come out of the barn to give me a cookie and praise me! SO ... If I want you, all I have to do is honk the horn! Can you please install one of these at every gate? Ben: Thats cool, man! Boxer, you are SO smart! I have created a HONKing monster ... and, NO, I am most certainly NOT installing a horn anywhere! (My neighbors would kill me.)
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 18:43:40 +0000

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