Yesterday not only was I blessed with a day of strength but also - TopicsExpress


Yesterday not only was I blessed with a day of strength but also with an amazing group of people who I spent the day and evening. Thank you Elizabeth Lauf-Berendzen, Emily Buschjost Rowland and Christen Bearcow Muenks for the gift of the ticket to see Theresa Caputo, Long Island Medium. Thank you Vicky Buschjost (Sara and Dylan) and Dawn Berhorst, ladies (and Dylan!!) you made me laugh. We were in the VIP section center 2nd row, awesome seats. Theresa is amazing and even tho’ I was the only one of our group that received an official “reading” we all found messages from other people’s readings all of whom were strangers to us. Duane and Corrie came through. Since we had the magnificent Buschy at the helm and was tenacious (with the help of her daddy and Corrie) in ordering our tickets early, we were able to sit in the warmth of the mini van while others stood in line to get their tickets. Buschy you rock girl. All you could see was a never ending and growing line of people. Cars lined up to pull into the parking lot. Elizabeth asked me if I was o.k. and at first I wanted to tell her NO, I’m not, I am at my bewitching hour where my body soul and mind begin to break down, but then, I looked at her beautiful little face and realized how much all three of these beautiful women did for their Mama Koonie, and I was honest and shared my other thought which was, there were so many people in line with the hope of hearing from their loved ones, let’s face it with over 4,000 people there, very unlikely we would all get a reading. When I scanned the growing line all I could see was sadness. Theresa is a little bitty thing, great shape and is just an adorable ball of energy with great shoes!! Larry worked the crowd before the show began and was treated by some people like a rock star. He is really handsome in person!. When she came out of the stage you could feel the energy exploding in that arena. I was very impressed that she came off the stage and not only read the VIP seats but managed a couple in the nose bleed seats as well. She gave us an overview of her life and then explained not all of us could obviously be read, but to pay attention because many time spirits piggy back and send messages we need to hear through other peoples readings and that she only reads the Spirit that walk in the light. After making it down the stairs in her glittery aquamarine 5 inch heals safely she went to the section to our left, and after a few questions she came over to our section and actually zeroed in on Christen asking questions about her grandma. She said, hold on I may be back, then said: who lost a loved one suddenly in an accident. Then: who lost a daughter suddenly and is wearing her ring. I raised my hand and a mic was given to me. She began smacking her lips like she does on the show. Theresa (T from now on) said she felt there was an issue with Corrie’s neck and then asked if there was trauma to her head…Yes and Yes. T said Corrie didn’t feel a thing, that it happened so fast she received her sign that “I was here one minute and the next I was gone.” She said Corrie didn’t feel a thing….she just said “Look at me Theresa, does it look like I should be dead?”. Way to go Missy Dimepiece. She then said know that your daughter wants you to know she is with you and is at peace. The funny thing is we all received many more validations from others readings. I will share Part Two of the Road Trip to The Long Island Medium tomorrow. Please don’t message me about what the bible says about mediums, I know what it says. I also believe some people have the ability to shed their barriers and our loved ones need to communicate with us because of our love we have for each other that doesn’t stop with death. More importantly, I knew no matter what happened my love and belief in Christ is secure, my wholehearted belief my Corrie is in God’s care and keeping and going to see a woman who is Christ filled but can communicate with our dead loved ones wasn’t going to change anything. Corrie will come to me in my dreams I know it, I still think both of us are too raw emotionally to get the peace I seek from her. It also provided a much needed day and evening of escape for Corrie’s broken hearted mommy. John 14:1-4 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” I am meeting with two friends of mine. We have all ended up in the club and we want to see if we can get a project off the ground. If we do, I will let everyone know about it but for now I ask for prayers on Monday that we open our hearts, minds and ears to God’s will and follow his lead in this worthwhile project. My challenge today is to make the sacrifice to listen to someone who may annoy the heck out of you and you avoid. Give them 10 - 20 minutes of your time today. They may sound crazy to you , but if you listen, there may be a message in their ramblings you need to hear and you may have just given that person 10 - 20 minutes of the only kindness they have been shown today. God bless, LET GO LET GOD, Dimes, pink skies & stars, mismatched socks, magic rocks. lost crock pots, wet puppy dog smells, quiet time, holding hands, I LOVE YOU’s, 3 kisses, summer rains, strong daddies, HOPE, PB&J sandwiches, two handed hugs, double rainbows, wax paper art, Angel feathers, snorts of laughter, FAITH and Unicorns.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:03:49 +0000

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