Yet again Israr Ahmed-type intellectual mullahs brainwashing - TopicsExpress


Yet again Israr Ahmed-type intellectual mullahs brainwashing audiences of secular-schooled men. Once you establish Islam as a worldview, you begin to see geopolitics through it as well. The Prophets predictive, apocalyptic Hadith (different ones found in both Sunni / Shia books) come in handy. Watch/listen closely to what he is doing. The U.S intelligences reading for the potential Balkanisation of Pakistan along ethnic lines has never been a secret, but open information. So why then is Israr Ahmed presenting it as some sort of secret conspiracy theory? I remember the future map on the cover of UKs Hizb ut-Tahrir (Israr Ahmeds Tanzeem-e-Islami is an offshoot) magazine almost 8 years ago trying to convince British Muslims that this was clearly imperialism. In reality, the reading does not imply a forceful goal but a logical calculation that ethnic tensions, human rights abuses and the establishments Punjabi hegemony will lead to the break up of Pakistan. Why do we need the Quran and Hadith to explain a CIA prediction?
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:14:41 +0000

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