You can never go home.... Okay, Im about to get all intimate on - TopicsExpress


You can never go home.... Okay, Im about to get all intimate on you guys....The government has record of every identifying mark on my body anyways, so what do I care? Im from Wrangell Alaska. An island that isnt on most maps. The most magical place Ive ever lived, and I doubt Ill ever get to see her again. :( Ive heard the saying, You can never go back home all my life. My family is a bunch of gypsies. Weve lived all over the map. But nowhere else Ive ever lived is home to me. Wrangell is an island, a rainforest actually, whose population consists of multiple Native Alaskan tribes. Its like a Native American melting pot. There was only about 1,000 people on the whole island when I lived there. Everybody KNEW everybody. It was a place where hospitality was REAL, and not just the superficial, get you outta my hair, hospitality. The people were very real! No one even locked their doors! Not even at night! Cuz they didnt feel the need to! There was like, NO crime...or so it seemed. It was a very stress free lifestyle. There were no fastfood fact, there were hardly any restaurants period. No malls, no.....anything. But LOTS of wildlife! We used to go to the dump to watch bears play in the garbage. They looked like fat fuzzy puppies rompin around, playin. Such cute animals! You had to keep your distance, of course, but they are very amuzing to watch play! Wrangell has so much wildlife, you have to build a shed to lock your trash in, or youll draw bears and other animals to your yard. Wrangell is the only place Ive ever lived where you could enjoy the beach AND the mountains at the same time! You could spend part of your day beach combing (collecting shells, starfish, and rocks), squishing seaweed between your toes, and another part hiking and climbing rocks! The beach was littered with petroglyphs. And in the mountains, the trees had what we called monkey bread, some kind of weird tree mushrooms that grew up the trunks, that looked like staircases for fairies or something, growing on them. So cool! The people respected the land. I never even knew what litter was until we moved away! And still to this day, I find it ABSURD that people disrespect the very land that they walk on and have to live off of! People DID indeed hunt, but I never saw a dead animal that was killed for sport, laying in the woods. People there killed for food, and they used all that they could of that animal. There seemed to be a mutual respect between man and nature that made that place the awesome place that it is. We had one gas station, and the guy that ran it, lived in an RV parked in its lot. :) Definatly middle of nowheresville! :) There were waterfalls all over the place! Youd see em just driving down the road! Winters were awesome! TONS of snow to play in! Every hill was a sledding hill, and every puddle and body of water a place to iceskate. The hottest it ever got was about 65 degrees! But to us that was swimming, shorts and tanktop, barefootin weather. We had this rock hill..thing called Dog Hill. I dont know why it was called that or who named it, but it was awesome for climbing, mountain biking, and etc. One side of it was a total cliff drop off with a neighborhood down below. Alaska has awesome huge trees! Someone had climbed to the top of one of these monstrocities and tied a rope to one of their branches. We used to jump on this rope swing and go flying out over the rooftops below. We Sooo couldve died! But it was awesome fun! All I ever remember eating there was fish and spaghetti. I never want to eat another fish again! But Ill tell ya, I can make some killer spaghetti! Hahaha! ....well, killer if youre not Italian. I dont do meat sauce. Buuuut anyways, I just wanted to share with you about this most underrated place, because Im sure that even if I was able to go back, it wouldnt be the place that it was. :( Everything good seems to be fading into the past. So I wanted to bring to light somewhere that was once awesome...innocent even.... Maybe it still is, cant be sure. Ill never get to go back home, but Alaska will always have my heart. SO THERE! Those of you who are let down because I always do activist stuff with my FB account and never talk about me-this is me! ;) And to add to that, Joe is good, Irie is good, our cat got hit by a car but hes doing much better...Thanx for caring! Love to you all! :)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:17:22 +0000

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