You know, I lived ALOT of years in a little trailer park in - TopicsExpress


You know, I lived ALOT of years in a little trailer park in Mishawaka, IN. My son, Tyler was 8 years old approximately.. before he knew what a real yard looked like. And even then.. it was so small-- all you could really do was stand in it, nod your head, and say, yep.. this is a small yard. And then you went back in the house. lol When my parents divorced, I moved into a little white trailer. I worked full time and went to high school full time.. When I was 23, and came to Christ, I was blessed with a land contract deal with a woman who was selling her mobile home 3 trailers down from ours. Eventually I sold that and secured a house land contract... That lasted only until the landlord broke up with his finance and wanted the house back.. I was in my late 20s. Married an extremely crazy and demonic man at 30 (appearing as an angel of light, as the Bible says, to deceive even the very elect.)-- which he DID.. but not for long. Long enough to get an I Do out of me, however. (and THAT is another long story .. NOT for today) After many years of hell (sorry for the word there... but its a far more kind and tender word than anything I could use to describe the torment of those years--so bare with that for today...:) ..but after most of that time period and during part of the worst of THOSE years.... Tyler and I (having to live in safe houses for protection and moved alot as directed by the state police so that our stalker (my ex who was trying to kill us... literally... (sigh) had a harder time finding us...(eventually, he was captured, we went to court, and he was sentenced to prison) But during that time, Ty and I wound up... back in that same trailer park once again. And I say all this to say... Number 1) Be careful how you treat people. For you are looking into the eyes of some weary, war-torn soldiers in the faith many times.. and if you are callous and careless-- you will miss it. They are precious gems in the gold mine of this world... They have far greater empathy, love, understanding and wisdom than you know. Their scars run deep... but their faith, even deeper. They are not usually... the pretty people with perfect lives that you prefer to surround yourself with. They are people with amazing stories of perseverance and miracles. Of hard work and tough love. Testimonies of grit, power, faith, and incredible hardships over come. And Ive found, they are usually the first ones to pick YOU up, when you fall. The first to lend a hand, an ear, or a dollar when you are in need. And... Number 2) Erase the word trailer trash from your vocabulary. I ran into the dearest woman the other day. She owns her little trailer, and takes care of her grandchildren full time... She had the most beautiful.. deep green eyes. Like Emeralds in a sea of clear water. Oh, most would have seen them as old, perhaps dulling a bit, and a little clouded. But no... They were SPLENDID. And her heart was bigger than the Atlantic! She was bright and funny and ... tired too. And Oh, the stories we shuffled back and forth! It was really something. It reminded me once again of my years in the trailer park. I heard that phrase, trailer trash, thrown my direction countless times. And it had nothing to do with character, appearance or money... It was all judgement... and stigma. What so many called trash, looked down on... and pushed aside as either poor, irresponsible, or unintelligent... were some of the most real, giving, and amazing people Ive ever met. Keep your eyes and ears wide open today. Recognize the diamonds and jewels all around you. Different than you. Rougher, perhaps that you are used to... more weathered than you would like you, yourself to be... Quieter OR louder.. Less educated OR more advanced intellectually than you.. It doesnt matter. What matters is.. THEM. And... watch out. Someday-- one of them?-- just might change your life! I love you all I believe in you Kim:O)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:06:11 +0000

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