“You know,” Josh tugged Julia into his arms, “I’ve been - TopicsExpress


“You know,” Josh tugged Julia into his arms, “I’ve been waiting to get you alone all night. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance.” “And so you chose a dance floor crowded with people. Smart plan.” Yanking his hands further up her waist, she glanced at a father Lumince dancing with his little girl. The child’s brown ringlets swirled around her ebony cheeks as her daddy lifted her onto his toes, twirling her around the room. Catching Julia’s gaze, the girl flashed her fangs and broke into an infectious grin. Josh wrinkled his nose with a disdainful sniff. “I don’t know if I’d call them people.” Julia’s grin faded. “And what exactly would you call them, Josh?” “More like creatures. Or abominations. Take your choice.” He gripped her hips and tugged her closer to his groin. Julia sneered and stumbled backward. “I think I’d prefer to stick with Luminces. Or, you know, vampires. The people we invited to this party.” “That’s the problem.” Josh curled his lip and glanced at a twenty-something Lumince couple coiled together within the shadows. They swayed to the beat of the music as the brunette raked his fangs down his date’s exposed throat. “No matter how many invites we extend, they’re always gonna be the same. A bunch of soulless blood suckers.” “Nice.” She turned Josh from the couple, suppressing a groan when the action brought her closer to his chest. “Can I ask you a question?” “Sure.” He nodded, his mouth against her ear. “You can ask me anything.” “Great.” Julia jerked her head to the side, avoiding the wet brush of his lips. “Is there anyone in the world—and I do mean anyone—that you care about more than you care about yourself? Be honest. It’s okay; I think I already know your answer.” Josh’s hands convulsed around her hips. “What happened to you, anyway? You used to be … cool. Fun, even. Where did all this love for vampires come from?” “People change.” Julia shrugged. “I did.” He shook his head. “Not that much. I’ll bet you still have the same desires you used to. The same … cravings.” He yanked her hips so close to his groin, she could feel him bulging hard against her thigh. Bending lower, he snared her lips within his mouth: a stolen kiss that died with the sharp groan that ripped from his throat. “Ouch! You bit me.” His eyes wet with pain, Josh pinched his swollen lip. “You frickin’ bit me!” “Gods, Josh!” Julia swiped her hand across her mouth. “Could you be any more disgusting?” “I don’t know, Jules.” Josh sneered. “Could you be any more obvious?” “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” “You tell me.” Stalking forward, he jabbed his finger at her chest. “You think I don’t know what you and your little friends are up to? That I don’t know you tried to hide Brennan before we could catch him? That you’re all a bunch of—” he leaned so close, she swore she could feel his anger radiate in livid waves, “disgusting sympathizers?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Digging her fingernails into his shoulder, she pushed him back. People were watching; vampires had stopped dancing, the father and daughter had swept from the floor. The emerald-eyed blond crept from the shadows, flexing his fists and flashing his fangs. Glancing at their audience, Josh curled his bruised lips into a synthetic smile: the rubbery grin of a snake. “People are staring, Julia,” he whispered, stepping forward to trap her within his arms. “Smile pretty now.” “Why should I?” She stepped on his foot. “Because,” he hissed, kicking her off and tightening his grip, “I’m the only person in the world standing between you and certain punishment. You think just ‘cause your daddy’s Chief Reaver, it’s gonna spare you the pain of rebellion? You think you can go against everything you are and emerge unscathed? Think again, little girl. It doesn’t work that way.” “You’re an ass.” She clawed her nails into the taut skin of his neck. “And you’re a rebel.” He grimaced, tilting away from her touch. “Last I checked, the punishment for that was execution or banishment. You ready for that, Jules? Or do you want to play nice now?” Julia broke out of his arms. “You want to know what I want?” “I do.” “What I want,” her heels clacked against the floor as she stepped forward with a jerk of her hips, “is to dig my spiked heel into that small, hard thing you call a—”
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 23:50:00 +0000

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