You know it never fails when a story break and the focus are - TopicsExpress


You know it never fails when a story break and the focus are between people of different race, almost immediately it creates emotionally division as well as a war of words on Social Medias. As a Black Man, I am personally offended immediately without even first knowing the details. Because, when you have been the Victim of Racially Motivated Discrimination, it does not take much to ignite harbored feelings. I worked in sales for Calloway Laboratories from 2004 until I was terminated for speaking out in 2012. With the changes there were signs of wrong doings and mismanagement, I wanted it to be just my imagination, I wanted to believe the lie “It’s the 2000s, that Doesnt exist anymore” something, anything. I wanted to be wrong, Sadly I wasnt. In 2012, after repeatedly being overlooked for promotions, racially targeted Jokes and stereo typical references towards negative African American subjects, I filed a of Discrimination and Retaliatory Actions case with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination ( MCAD) in March 2012. July 2012 an investigative hearing took place where both had the opportunity to explained their side of the Story.30 days later; The Company called me in and terminated me effective immediately, the reason used “We are reconstructing the Business and needed to make some changes” There were many people that I worked with that new of the Company history of discrimination , some will read this post and may or may not feel good about themselves for supporting those violations by not speaking up, even when they had previously referred to me as “Friend” . However, there is one Co-Worker that I had the opportunity to reach out too and she was willing to Step up, Thank you. I also want to say, during my 8 years of working for that Company, I had the opportunity to meet some good people; unfortunately most of them lived outside of Massachusetts and may have had little or no knowledge of Calloway’s Operation Manager and her Crew treatment towards certain people. Through all of the craziness of being subjected, Not only will I remain standing tall, make Desire to #LOVE# rather than #HATE#, has been unwavering .Occasionally I need to vent in a healthy way (Writing), to keep my sanity and not get too engaged into the Social Media wars. Thank you God for giving me the Strength to Tolerate, Love than Hate speak than be quite and to understand, Sometimes help does not feel like help. #stillprayingforpeace#
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:59:13 +0000

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