Your kingdom come. (Matthew 6: 10) The kingdom of God is all that - TopicsExpress


Your kingdom come. (Matthew 6: 10) The kingdom of God is all that He has rule over, the extent of His sovereignty and we often say Jesus is Lord over all, and its true hes given power and authority over all. Yet we live in a world where most will not accept his authority [this doesnt diminish it], where his name is mocked, God is hated and itd be natural to ask how can we say Jesus is Lord over this. Jesus stated were to first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and to find both is to have found Jesus. Jesus is the kingdom, for he is the king. Jesus told his disciples of the soon coming of His kingdom, that theyd witness it and this happened when Jesus died and was resurrected. Jesus, the king, went to the Father leaving the promise hed come again, and he will. The moment we enter into Christ weve entered the kingdom of God and the kingdom has entered us, and one day Jesus will return, having prepared this earth for the establishment of his kingdom and all signs declare it to be soon. Come Lord Jesus, come soon.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:36:29 +0000

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