ZAMBIANS MUST WAKE UP Please find below a copy of our last letter - TopicsExpress


ZAMBIANS MUST WAKE UP Please find below a copy of our last letter to President Sata which will explain why we believe that the man is a mere victim of the enemy which Zambians still don’t want to acknowledge. We are watching and listening to Zambians sending messages of condolences and expressing their sadness at the loss of a man who they are terming as a hero. It is indeed African tradition that we say all the great things about a man when he dies but the truth is that President Sata is a victim of the conspiracy working against Zambia. As it was for the Great Libyan leader Muammer Quddaffi , Kwame Nkrumah , Levy Patrick Mwanawasa ,Fredrick Chiluba and many leaders mentioned in this letter to the President Zambia will continue to watch the deaths of all nationalistic leaders. African leaders who have nationalistic trends will continue to be systematically killed in Africa for as long as Africans fail to see the recolonisation program going on. The clever people want to have puppets in power who will continue to look aside as African land is being taken away and Africans like Stupid idiots fight each other instead of working together as one. ZDDM has found it very difficult to say anything or comment on the death of President Sata because we saw the danger he was in soon after he came into power. The first thing we observed is that he lost his fangs as the King Cobra and appointed members of the British created Cartel to key positions. We immediately realized that the man was like a boxer in the ring with his hands tied on his back. The truth Zambians must accept is that President Sata was the formal leader of Zambia while the Cartel maintains its position as the informal leaders of Zambia. The Cartel was created by the British government and Sata was used to bring it into proper control of the Zambian system. Soon after he did this he fulfilled his role. Zambia is today taken back to 1962 with Dr Guy Scott acting as president. For Zambians this a legal requirement and little do they realize that this is actually the icing cake on the recolonisation of Zambia. The British have Zambians exactly where they want them. To be busy fighting each other that they should not have time to see that nearly all the white settlers chased from Zimbabwe are busy taking land in Zambia. Zambians are preoccupied with fighting each other while their land is being taken away from them and the poor are perishing from the manmade poverty in the country. It is painful to read messages from the British Government expressing sorrow when we know that they are merely shedding crocodile tears and laughing at us. Instead of working together as a people, Zambians are preoccupied with bickering. This however will not go on for long as we are determined to bring a new national order which will restore sanity to this nation. Instead of Presidential bye elections, ZDDM will push that we just go flat out on a general election to give Zambia a fresh start. As ZDDM we want Zambia to go Federal. If it means having Direct Democracy which is more like a one party system we shall take this to the people of Zambia because some body has to stop this unproductive politics of hate and bickering. We want a new Zambia where all the 74 tribes will participate in national building and where the Zambians in every village, township, district and province will be fully engaged in defending their mother land. The Cartel will have to be caged. We realize that the acting of Dr Guy Scott has made the British plan on Zambia complete but this is for a short while as we shall be approaching the British soon to stop taking advantage of our poor thinking as a people. As former colonial masters they must have the conscience to realize that what they are doing to the poor black Zambians is cruel .Let them stop taking advantage of our stupidity as a people. Zambia Direct Democracy Movement P.O Box 34553 Lusaka Zambia Email: sakalaedwin92@yahoo Phone: +260 977 621 364 8th September, 2014 President Michael Chilufya Sata Republican President of Zambia State House Lusaka OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT MICHAEL CHILUFYA SATA Your Excellency, On behalf of ZDDM we wish to convey our greetings and prayer that God the almighty should continue to bless you and the first family that we may all fulfill his purpose. As we await a response to our many requests for an audience that we have continued to make over the last three years we have found it very necessary to congratulate Your Excellency for the long overdue bold step of disrupting the imperialist re-colonization and national antagonizing plan being implemented throw the Cartel and other foreign sponsored organizations operating in Zambia. It is most unfortunate Your Excellency that the larger population of our people has no idea that their greatest enemy who they must rally against is not a fellow Zambian or African but the forces of globalization and their local agents whose task is to create condition and an atmosphere which will depopulate the country before they claim ownership. Please find attached the concern which we want to discuss with you. Your Excellency, as ZDDM we are have many serious concerns which we would want to discuss with you that are far above partisan interests, We believe that Zambia can not afford the luxury of wasting all the time and energy serving personal and partisan interest in the face of the aggressive and relentless strategy of the forces which are systematically destroying the spirit of nationalism and patriotism. Zambia belongs to all of us and it’s important that every citizen regardless of party affiliation or indeed financial power should unite in defending national interest. Zambians have already fallen in the trap of associating leadership suitability with ability to dish out money and gifts. Our people are attracted by anything which shines and have come to believe that the party with ability to hire huge mobs and drive a fleet of cars is the best without a care as to where that money is coming from and indeed what that party has to offer. The saddest development is that Zambia has fallen in the trap of tribe and regional politics. This cancer has the potential of destroying Zambia further and can only be cured by a Government of national unity. Leaders must be identified with ideas and not their tribe. Our media is the worst disaster which can happen to any nation. Instead of keeping citizens well informed on real issues the Zambian media has contributed to the widespread information poverty in the nation which has made it difficult for an average Zambian to make intelligent decisions. Our journalists seem to be out for hire at the expense of national interest. There is need for Your Excellency to clear all the newsroom of journalists on the payroll of the Cartel and to make journalism professional once again. We have no doubt that Your Excellency has followed through the grape vine our call for former President Rupiah Bwezani Banda to come back to active politics .This was as a result of State House failing to grant us an audience with you to discuss our idea of a new national order which you and former President Banda can fully understand and appreciate in view of the threat facing our nation. We however held back on this campaign because we don’t want the agents of the imperialists to purposefully subject him to the mockery of justice which former President Fredrick Chiluba suffered or indeed that he should also suffer the same mysterious end as that of Presidents Anderson Mazoka, Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, Fredrick Chiluba, Muammer Quddafi, Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Tom Mboya, Thomas Sinkara and indeed all those who saw through the re-colonization program. We believe that you and indeed former President Rupiah Banda have the necessary understanding to know the danger Zambia and indeed Africa is facing due to the division created by the current political order. ZDDM is saddened by the fact that most of the citizens including political leaders are not aware of the danger Africa is facing. Any political leader or Zambian of good will who has seen how our cemeteries’ countrywide like Chingwere and Leopards Hill are expanding, the widespread destitution of our people not only in villages but townships or indeed how children are dying from hunger can not fail to agree with us on the need for a new national order which will enable all the political parties, NGOs, Church and indeed citizens to work together. Your Excellency, we have been seeking an audience with you to ask that you look at some silent issues affecting our country as per the attached. We believe that the greatest gift you can give Zambia is unity of purpose. ZDDM may not have the money to impress Zambians but as one of the oldest political parties in the country with the broadest exposure to African politics, our hearts are heavy with sadness and pain that Zambians are destroying their own future through a culture of selfishness, a very unprofessional media and division being promoted by the Cartel and its band of local agents. Your courage of touching the Cartel should not stop with the person they put in front but go deeper to the root. The DBZ money must for be paid back and former president Rupiah Banda should not continue to be demonized .Those with logs in their eyes must be made to clear them before they can become champions of removing specks in the eyes of other people. Yours in national service Edwin Sakala ZDDM President ATTACHMENT OUR CONCERN AND AGENDA 1. FOREIGNERS BUYING ZAMBIAN LAND This is a receipt for problems in future. We can not continue to have a situation where foreign nationals evict Zambians from Zambian land. 2. SILENT SPREAD OF ISLAM Due to widespread poverty many Zambians are being enticed by the handout Muslims are dishing out especially in the rural areas where mosques are mushrooming. The poor in the villages of Eastern province and townships have blindly traded their faith for food and alms. The danger of this may not be seen right now but it will be seen in future. We have nothing against Muslims practicing their faith in Zambia but definitely against them taking advantage of our poor. It must be realized that people are being killed for being Christians in Islamic countries. This faith has no tolerance for other faiths who they call infidels. Killing a fellow human being to them is an act of Godliness hence the urgent need for Zambia not to ignore the growing Islamic influence due to poverty. 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEW NATIONAL REGISTRATION IDENTITY – Throughout the constitutional making process it was clear that many Zambians supported the dual citizenship clause because a very high number of people in the offices and our townships have alternative home countries. Matero in Lusaka has Malawians, Chaisa and Mandevu Zimbabweans; Bauleni has PEOPLE from Mozambique as mere examples. These people hold Zambian NRCs and continue to get involved in our national politics. The new identity document should identify citizens by their village of origin .Those that obtained green NRC from Matero or dubiously must be allowed to formalize their stay but not allowed to play an active part in politics. We want indigenous Zambians to take centre stage. 4. DRESS CODE AND MORAL STANDARDS –The idea of pregnant schoolgirls and mothers to share the same classrooms is only promoting immorality .Schoolgirls are now all over in brothels which have been opened in nearly all the townships hence the need for a policy which will restore morals .If it means punishing the girls and families let it be for the sake of controlling the spread of HIV/Aids. In the same vein that indecent dress under the guise of Human rights must tamed. 5. INTRODUCTION OF POLICY TO MAKE MEDIA PROFESSIONAL The media as the forth estate in governance must have its integrity restored. It is clear that the professional ethics of journalism which used to be a very respectably high have fallen and pause danger to national interest hence the need for licensing journalists. 6. RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF CITIZENSHIP COLLEGE –There is an urgent need for an institution which can help our journalists and key personnel in institutions to learn the realities of Africa and the threat if faces. Zambia is on the path of self destruction because of allowing the forces of globalization to force widespread poverty and division in Zambia. The Zambians must be equipped with the necessary knowledge of seeing through the Cartel and its newspaper which has only served to give names like “Useful idiots” to our people. Zambians must be helped to understand why we need to be united, the strategy being used to destroy the thinking and moral fibers of our society and the danger of following blindly what ever is shinning like Gold. 7. MAKING ZAMBIA A TRULLY CHRISTIAN NATION This maybe our agenda as ZDDM but we believe that the foundation which President Chiluba made of declaring Zambia a Christian nation must be built on as to transform and protect our society from the spiritual vicious attack Zambia is experiencing after the declaration. 8. NEW NATIONAL ORDER- While not advocating for the reintroduction of the One party Participatory Democracy ZDDM would want Your Excellency and the nation to consider adopting Direct Democracy which will embrace all the citizens in the political life of the nation. We believe that the current Multi party system has failed because politicks has become the domain of the rich. The rich in Zambia are mostly those who took advantage of taxpayer’s resources whilst serving in government. The poor have ended up stabbing themselves in the back by being enticed by hand outs from Muslims and corrupt politicians who use them to advance their selfish interests.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:08:39 +0000

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