Zimsec Olevel history 2035 Exam.... Part A 1. Name any 6 of - TopicsExpress


Zimsec Olevel history 2035 Exam.... Part A 1. Name any 6 of the Budiriro vapostori who fought against the police in Zimbabwe in 2014. (6 marks) 2. Explain why the police were defeated by the vapostori. (5 marks) 3. To what extent did this defeat undermine the service of the police in Zimbabwe? (8 marks) Part B 1. Name the proponents of the 2014 factions debacle. (6 marks) 2. explain the phras es 10 percent and Mazowe Crush and thier relation to the debacle. (10 marks) 3. What did the phrase Bedroom coup do towards the war veterens cause. (5 marks) Part C 1. Highlight the similarities and differences in use between the terms Weevils and Gamatox as related to the said debacle in section B (10 marks) 2. Who were the eventual winners of the Weevils/Gamatox war and which tactics did they employ to outmaneuver their opponents. (6 marks) 3. Explain in detail and give examples of the differences between fanning factionalism and regime change. (15 marks)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:54:18 +0000

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