Zu San Li (ST-36) See picture. This point is 3″ below ST-35, - TopicsExpress


Zu San Li (ST-36) See picture. This point is 3″ below ST-35, 1″ lateral of tibial crest- palm on knee, tip of middle finger touches Breaks up stagnation and accelerates transformation. Common addition to point combinations. Very solid for stabilizing and grounding, for strength and vitality on all levels. In combination with other points for physical trouble or nervous disorders caused by emotions, increases psycho-physical integrity. Mobilizes energy; builds fortitude in the face of adversity, chronic disease or pernicious habits. Energy to move on, to deepen or extend the effort, to continue beyond the previous limitation. Use where there is laziness or psychological stupor. Earth – form and stability – everything depends on what a person can take in, digest, transform. When treating someone with any kind of deficiency this point is a foundation on which to build, it can give them energetic support during the treatment and something for later as well. For any deficiency disorders: lethargy, weakness, inertia, cold; lack of energy, lack of confidence, lack of resistance to disease. Nervous, extremely agitated, or depressed, providing help and reassurance when a person is in despair. Strengthens the Spirit; connects with the ground of experience; reinforces the foundation. Stomach troubled by emotion; anxiety and palpitations, apprehension; insomnia; frequent sighing, discouraged; prolonged melancholy; sadness; “terrorized by ghosts”; frenetic action, agitation of speech or laughter; uncontrolled behavior or fury, seizures; shock or nervous crises; headache at night; vertigo; weakness; lack of memory. One of the most powerful and useful points on the body; useful for every type of digestive disorder; tonifies energy and blood; strengthens the body; regulates the functions of the stomach and spleen; regulates the intestines, moves stagnation; regulates immune functions. Stomach ache, poor digestion; indigestion; lack of appetite; aversion to the smell of food; vomiting. Stomach does not empty, atonic indigestion. Chronic or acute gastritis, acidity, hypersecretion, pain; bitter, fetid breath; problems in the mouth. Intestinal inflammation, intestinal abscess; stomach and duodenal ulcers; intestinal weakness, constipation from emptiness; all diarrhea; prolonged diarrhea, undigested food, etc.; appendicitis; pancreatitis; dysentery; cholera, fever; beriberi; diarrhea from malaria. Abdominal pain and distention, borborygmus; abdomen swollen with gas; peritonitis. Motion sickness, vomits easily on boats, cars or airplanes. Poisoning from food or toxins. Throat and respiratory passages with excess mucus; cough with mucus; hemoptysis; dyspnea; asthma, cough, shortness of breath; pulmonary tuberculosis. Heart fullness, swellings; sudden pain. Blood troubles; urticaria; eczema; anemia; arteries hard, contracted; hypertension: disperse; hypotension: tonify. Generalized weakness; dizziness, vertigo, headache; hepatitis; jaundice; hemiplegia; emaciation from illness. Fibromyalgia. Eyes- preventive and curative effects (especially with needle and moxa). Myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia, weakened vision from age or weakness, foggy vision. Ears- tinnitus, aggravated in the evening, tonify in the evening, aggravated in the morning, tonify in the morning. Breasts swelling; abscess; mastitis; insufficient breast milk. Impotence; restless fetus. Menses insufficient or delayed; dysmenorrhea; leukorrhea. Difficult delivery: tonify; after delivery, hemorrhage, fainting: disperse. Urine insufficient or not coming; fullness and hardness of the lower pelvis; nephritis, urinary dysfunction; stone in the bladder; inflammation of the bladder (cystitis); frequent urination at night from excess: disperse, from atony: tonify. Pain from rheumatism (wind and humidity). Musculoskeletal problems; facial paralysis or pain; acute lower back pain; knee joint disorders, lower leg stiffness and pain. Tonifying in the morning to tonify brain, skin, and nerves. Tonifying in the evening tends to tonify blood, muscles and bone. Can be used to balance energy when it does not alternate harmoniously, during the day and night, activity and rest, high and low. “Immunization point” (frequent Moxa). Used with moxa, this point increases the white blood cell count. Tonification to excess causes the blood pressure to rise, and can cause nausea, insomnia and congestions. Stimulates parathyroids. ----------- Shang Ju Xu (ST-37) This point is 6″ below ST-35, one finger breadth lateral to crest of tibia Symptoms which reflect deficiencies related to digestion, the transformation of substances, the food, and also the air. Relates to the upper body. For someone who is stable but not fully integrated, perhaps grounded, but with some emptiness. Blood connects the body and soul. Mental and emotional instability can be related to blood weakness, blood deficiency effects the mind. There are many ways in which the condition of the digestive system reflects the digestion of experience; thoughts and feelings are also a kind of food. Compared with ST-39 this point corresponds more with the mental aspect of the transformations. Can be helpful in the context of letting things go, allowing for changes. Regulates the function of stomach and Intestines; promotes energy and blood circulation in the channels. Dispels retention of food, eliminates accumulations and stagnations of the intestinal tract; abdominal pain and distention; indigestion, constipation, cutting pains; borborygmus; weak intestinal peristalsis; intestinal obstruction; colitis; appendicitis; diarrhea; dysentery. Gastrointestinal parasites. Stomach inflammation; gastritis; enteritis. Swelling in the upper part of the body, fullness in the chest, dyspnea; dizziness. Stiffness or muscular atrophy and weakness of the lower extremities; rheumatism, swelling of the knee; hemiplegia; paralysis due to stroke; lumbar pain; bone marrow feels cold. Concentrated urine, difficult urination. -------------- Tiao Kou (ST-38) This point is 8″ below ST-35, 2 ” below ST-37, midpoint btw ST-35 & 41, near the edge of tibia The digestive tract is a tube which runs from the mouth to the anus. The function of the digestive system is to extract nourishment from the flow of materials in the digestive tract and incorporate them into the body. When there is some blockage in this flow through the body, (physical or mental emotional), we can come here to open up the channel. This point particularly helpful when we are dealing with weakness of the legs and loss of sensation in the limbs; caused by a block in the movement of the energy. Also consider this when food is not descending properly. Removes obstruction from the channel; regulates the stomach; relaxes the sinews. Numbness and pain of the leg; sciatica; arthritis in the knees; pain of the shoulder joint (needle contra-laterally and move through the range of motion – combine with local points). Muscular cramps, numbness soreness and pain in the lower leg; swelling of the knee and thigh; abdominal pain. Rheumatism; gout. ------------------ Xia Ju Xu (ST-39) This point is 3″ below ST-37, one finger breadth lateral to crest of tibia Symptoms which reflect deficiencies related to digestion, the transformation of substances, and also the emotions. Emptiness in the lower part of the body. There is a correspondence with the small intestine, this is both an anatomical and a psychological connection. The small intestine is related to the heart and also the Governing Vessel; therefore there is a further association with the nervous system and with emotional balance. The Sea of blood also has a relationship with the Chong Mai (The Penetrating Meridian. Please research more about Chong Mai). When the blood is deficient either in quality or quantity the Chong Mai will be effected. When the patient feels empty inside, insecure, unstable, this point can help. ST-37 and ST-39 can be used together. Moxa on these points can build blood and strengthen the integration of the mind and body, Good for the person who is frigid, or for poor “conception” on any level. For violent or sudden emotions; serious depression or hyperexcitation; frenetic speech; madness and fearfulness with delirium and nonsensical speech; congestion or cerebral anemia. Regulates the function of stomach and Intestines; (especially the small intestine); eliminates damp heat; promotes energy and blood circulation, stops pain. Any abdominal pain – but especially when accompanied by diarrhea; intestinal obstruction, lower abdominal pain; lack of appetite; malabsorption (dysfunctions of the small intestine); hyper or hypo salivation, absolutely dry, parched lips and mouth; beriberi. Stomach heat, does not eat, dry lips; dysentery with pus and blood; obstructions of the throat, pharyngitis, constricted breathing and cough; tonsillitis; mastitis, breast abscess; cloudy urine. Hair too dry, falling out, insufficient blood to feed the hair so it dries and starts to come out; dry seborrhea; hot sensations on the skin; no perspiration. Corns on the feet; skin between the toes, wetness, odor and peeling. Muscular rheumatism; generalized aches and pains; rheumatism from cold, wind, humidity, cannot move. Numbness, spasms or paralysis of the lower extremities; heel pain. -------- Feng Long (ST-40) This point is 8″ below ST-35, one finger lateral to ST-38 (in the belly of the muscle) A reservoir of energy, stimulation with moxa increases the available energy. Brings things together when experience is not being digested, especially when the past prevents one from being nourished in the present. Used for the Spirit when a person is not feeling satisfied and seeks to know why. Burdened by family, friends, career, or others; or feelings of neediness. Periodically we need to review and reevaluate our perspectives on life. Am I living the life which is right for me? Am I living in a dream constructed of other people’s ideas about life? Things which used to make sense may no longer fit with what is happening now. This point is useful for keeping things in perspective; allows a person to see possibilities they might have for change and growth. Clears the mind and settles the spirit. Useful for just about everyone, in combinations directed towards the transformation of experience. We should understand that the process of digestion is going on continuously and is not only about physical food. physical, emotional and spiritual energies all have a role to play. When experience is not getting integrated, transformed, it develops into phlegm. Everyone has some Karma which remains unresolved. Good for Nervous crisis: lack of contact with earth, out of touch with the body. People who have hallucinations, are haunted by the past, have nightmares of ghosts. Obsessions, manic depression, insanity. Anxiety; speech disorders, incoherent speech. Laziness, depression, lassitude: disperse to reduce stagnation and habituation. Regulates the stomach and Intestines; resolves phlegm and damp. The best general point for phlegm. Physical manifestations of phlegm such as congestion, obesity; lumps in the abdomen or under the skin. Phlegm which makes you crazy, psychic phlegm as in mental confusion and depression. Phlegm and damp which obstructs clear flow of qi in the channels, leading to tiredness, lethargy; depression and a feeling of heaviness in head, chest, abdomen or limbs. Lung phlegm, heart phlegm; spleen and stomach damp phlegm. Chest pain with difficult breathing; sharp pains in the chest. Cough; bronchitis; pneumonia; asthma. Harmonizes the stomach and spleen; calms the mind. Epigastric distention and pain; stomach pain, burning, or swelling; congestion of face and nose, sore throat, pharyngitis; dizziness and headache; diarrhea; vomiting. Facial paralysis; lower limb paralysis due to stroke; seizures, epilepsy. Best point on stomach for spasms or paralysis, especially in the lower extremities. Chronic constipation, headaches. Hypertension.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 01:54:16 +0000

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