and that is why Qamber Jafri we have come to the last chapter of - TopicsExpress


and that is why Qamber Jafri we have come to the last chapter of this BOOK...COLONEL SAAB death...APRIL 2012 CS frantically calling FWA to come to TRINIDAD but she was getting pre cancer treatment and she said OK the abusive HUSBAND said NO and then COLONEL SAAB gave the code word to FWA and the wife said you need to bring his body back to TORONTO even though he had THREE sons and ALL of their sons...when she got to TRINIDAD more encoded speak and an hour later, there was COLONEL SAAB at 95 waiting with a bouquet of flowers, they fell into each others arms happily and she brought a present Idrees Deen rendition of the HEART of the QURAN Jihad Turk SURA YASEEN...she thought he was dying so...HE was...he would crash into her bedroom every night and ask to sleep in her bed which was WEIRD and the wife would scream when she wasnt asking FIRDOSi to call WENDY WHARTON one of the richest women on the ISLAND but lived half the time in her native UK when the wife went out COLONEL SAAB apologized for urinating from fear on FWA foot, he was petrified as the WOMAN beat him...she was hired in 1992 to marry and DESTROY COLONEL SAAB by his sons even though MARIAM and FATIMA said NO, ZAIN insisted...just as he SAID NO to TYLER as COLONEL SAAB cried for that, ZK and his son OMAR married her off to SAHIR who beat her raped her, and forgot to mention he slept with HAYLEY and had SAFFIYA wait who is HAYLEY and how do I GET BACK TO LA Oh you mean DYSTOPIA? we will kill you and MORRISEY if you go anywhere near him or the KEN DOLL BUT COLONEL SAAB had an ace up his INDIAN shirt sleeve...He loved ALLAH and he was a COLONEL Dan MacCannell confirmed in the BRITISH ARMY not the INDIAN ARMY He was half CHRISTIAN and he still knew how to dial the phone GATWICK AIRPORT after TRINIDAD Firdosi arrested and sent back to US with RB blessings Ended up with GLORIA who was also on the take and sleeping with THE SULTAN so she moved in with ADRIAN, a 29 year old lawyer but SULTAN fought and fought and said I AM TAKING YOU BACK TO VEGAS where he did or was hoping she would die en route...He looked under the hood in LA poured something and the car exploded and Doris Jones-Sacca another great JONES came to save her on a wing and a prayer with her husband And now...she is stricken and scared about strickland but that will be the sequel So what do you think TYLER JONES, RICHARD SCHIRMER, and PERRY ROGERS? and you said I could only write scripts and that too ROMANTIC COMEDIES I think this one will sell - do you Patrick Rajsky and if not can you ask TATUM I want it to be the MUSLIM BOURNE IDENTITY...if Matt Damon was replaced by JEREMY RENNER...well then Sharon Mikus there might be a SAVANNAH in the next one HELLO KICKSTARTER?
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:20:42 +0000

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