#ice_bucket_challenge Thanks to Syck Yip I got nominated to do - TopicsExpress


#ice_bucket_challenge Thanks to Syck Yip I got nominated to do the challenge yesterday. This challenge has become viral and there are more and more people knowing abt the ALS disease and donate money to support the association. If you guys wanna know more abt the disease, you can check out their website: alsa.org/ This is a very meaningful challenge, it helps to raise the awareness of people, there are actually so many people on earth is suffering so much…. And now, I accept the challenge but I want to change the rules a little bit, I hope you guys don’t mind. For the rules of the challenge, I would like to change it into you can donate the money to any organizations you want to and maybe you can explain further more why you choose them!~ :D I would like to donate to the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International which is the world’s leading independent organisation for medical humanitarian aid. msf.org.au/ Recently, the conflicts in Gaza and Syria has died so many innocent people, also the spreading of ebola virus has killed a lot of people…. I do hope that there is less war, less disasters in this world… So, same rule for the ICE bucket challenge :D, if you do not complete the challenge you will have to donate 100$ to the organization you want to, even if you completed the challenge, you still need to donate 10$ to the organization that you like~ :D I nominate Calvin Hun Eden Jimmy to do the challenge ;) 多謝呀傑揀中左我玩呢個冰筒挑戰,雖然呢個遊戲好似好無聊咁,但其實好有意義,可能令更多人認識到肌肉萎縮症,其實霍金患上既都係呢個病,暫時呢個病都係未有得醫,如果想知更多可以睇下alsa既官網:alsa.org/ 而除左肌肉萎縮症協會之外,其實有好多不同既組織值得我地去捐錢比佢地~ 而家我就想騎劫下呢個遊戲,將遊戲規則改成你可以將錢捐比任何一個你鐘意或者 同希望支持既組織,同樣地,完成挑戰要捐10蚊美金(即係80蚊港幣啦),完成唔到挑戰就要捐100蚊美金(即係800蚊港紙) 如果可以,可以講下個組織係點同點解你捐錢比佢~~ 好,咁我今次就捐左比無國界醫生: msf.hk/ 無國界醫生是一個獨立的國際醫療人道救援組織,致力為受武裝衝突、疫病和天災影響,以及遭排拒於醫療體系以外的人群提供緊急醫療援助。無國界醫生只會基於人們的需要提供援助,不受種族、宗教、性別或政治因素左右。 最近因為敘利亞既戰爭同加沙地帶和以色列的衝突,仲有最近四處爆發既伊波拉病毒 好多無辜既生命因為呢d天災人禍而死去...無國界醫生冒著生命危險去救當地既人民 好,Jimmy Benson Zelos~我而家就挑戰你地玩呢個冰筒挑戰,我知jimmy你最近忙緊拍片,唔洗咁急,加油!祝你拍片順利~~~
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:53:23 +0000

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