in an attempt to make me look shallow, a politically challenged - TopicsExpress


in an attempt to make me look shallow, a politically challenged friend of mine whatsapped me last night saying all you ever think about is city. now anyone that knows me will know that i dont take umbridge at most things but this i found offensive. so to prove i am well balanced i have written down other things that i have thought about since waking up at work beside a steaming cup of coffee that came from god knows where. there are probably others but off the top of my head.... indians eating semi defrosted broccoli straight from the microwave whether afghanistan can ever conceivably win the cricket world cup whether i would bum the lead singer from the cardigans whether i would bum the bird who rambles on about business on the bbc breakfast show whether my mate ryan would look better in drag israelis with guns shooting palestinian footballers in the feet the time i sold bob carolgees some ganja in ibiza the time spider from coronation street offered me out on deansgate locks, when i was wearing my missus dress, and spider quickly regretting it whether glen hoddle thinks that all those people who died in the tsunami deserved it due to previous misdemeanours in a former life whether boothy would still take his top off if we went on holiday to greenland. obviously he would, but for how long. whether i would help boothy if he ever had hypothermia and he needed to borrow my jacket women whether my dad is doing himself a disservice by thinking he couldnt kick brendan rodgers arse whether paedophiles should be used for landfill whether i would blow up america if i knew i could get away with it whether mohammed osman would do the same whether i will be pressurised into growing my own marrows when i move to chorlton whether i will start using hemp soap and hemp aftershave, just to fit in whether there are ever acceptable mitigating circumstances for saying the N word live on national TV what kind of mental illness my stupid irish mate must have to be playing a 20 year old version of championship manager on a 15 year old PC how much it would hurt to have an abcess on the piece of skin that men have between their trump hole and their swingers. whether i look younger than my eldest sister whether ciallis is causing all my fcuked up dreams. now mohammed, should you wish, i can turn this into a daily diary and post in on your wall. let me know.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 09:19:32 +0000

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