it is used, an image of a person urinating imprints the brain. How - TopicsExpress


it is used, an image of a person urinating imprints the brain. How unsavoury is that to contemplate? Why do we even need to think these disgusting, irrelevant things when we can use less unsavoury words like ‘annoy’ bother, irritate and so on? Affect on Non-Swearers: Incessantly using the F word in the presence of those who never use it and find it offensive is disrespectful and can make them feel polluted by you. Some individuals go so far as to avoid those who use the F word or even hang up the phone when speaking with them. Even threatening to use the F word around non-swearers but then not using it, causes the hearer to think the word momentarily in their mind and cringe in expectation. This can produce physiological symptoms of stress such as a tightening in the abdomen, neck, hands, or face in the non-swearer. To use the F word around people who don’t use it, or to threaten to, can be a subtle psychic assault on that person, whether they speak up about it or not. Every word we use can be a weapon to hurt others or a healing balm to heal and bless them. Let’s choose carefully. Breaking the Swearing Habit: Words are pictures that we paint on the canvas of our own and others’ minds. Using a rich array of image-provoking words is mentally satisfying and socially stimulating. For example, in casual situations we could substitute the F word with other words such as darn, pesky, blooming, gosh, heck or gee. To express anger we could use words like furious, livid, irate, wild, outraged, boiling mad, incensed, disgusted, appalled, devastated, disturbed, aggravated, upset, ballistic, explosive, raving, or fuming. Or come up with your own versions! For example substitute the four letter F word with the three letter F word i.e. FUN. Try saying Fun off! or What a FUN hot day it is today! What the FUN are you doing??? Our FUN government has decided to run another rally.....Get FUNNED! He is a FUN-wit. If you say it with as much anger as possible it actually sounds hilarious. Do you see what a smorgasbord of linguistically colourful words we have to choose from instead of the same predictable boring old F word? It’s like going into a restaurant and choosing the same old MacDonalds burger with fries for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Additionally, we can use adjectives to qualify the word, for example steaming, supremely, increasingly, outrageous and so on. And we can invent new slang like ‘Let’s see how the mop flops’ or ‘trot the rot’. For hundreds of years Australians have been famous for humorous and unique colloquial expressions which define our culture and give us originality. What happened? Have we all dried up and resigned ourselves to predictably spitting out the F word every other sentence? It’s fun to think up and use new slang so why not try it? How do Swearers Respond to being Challenged? On raising this subject with people who use the F word frequently, responses have ranged from You need to get over this and just accept me as I am to ‘It’s a colourful word and part of the Australian vernacular’ to You are right - I feel like a fishermans wife and hate using the word! Thank you I will replace it with a different word. Some people have gone out of their way to use the F word more frequently to deliberately annoy me. Does such a person truly care about how I feel? I would dearly love for a revolution in consciousness about this word with some open dialogue or debate or at the very least some serious consideration of how this word affects us and others in our vicinity. Raising Your Own Vibration to Raise the Planet’s Vibration: Raising our vibration starts with words we use in internal dialogue - the thoughts in our heads. If we choose positive words that encourage self-confidence, kindness, appreciation and gratitude we tend to respond more positively to the outer world. This contributes to peace and helps turn the tide on planetary destruction which originates from hatred and anger. It sounds like a long shot, but remember, sound is vibration and everything originates from vibration. We Australians seem to have the habit of putting ourselves down, as if it’s some kind of virtue - and it’s not. As a result we are less likely to express appreciation of others. Have you noticed that when you are kind to yourself it’s a lot easier to be kind to others? And we wonder why there is so much discord in the world. If we tell ourselves ‘I am loveable, generous, kind, caring, intelligent, beautiful’ etc. and appreciate ourselves, it will help us be that much closer to extending the same kindness to others. If everyone practised appreciating each other, the world would be a better place. Imagine if, instead of someone saying ‘F you!’ they said ‘Thank you, I will think about this.’ Doesn’t it make sense to consciously eliminate toxic words that foster harshness and vulgarity and instead use words that foster love and kindness to all creatures? Wouldn’t that help heal a troubled world on the brink of ecocidal madness and create the peace, love and harmony we all deeply crave? Not everybody speaks about how much they dislike the F word, but such people do exist and they suffer quietly for a long time. Maybe it’s time to speak up and help the world change the tide of negativity and usher in a new age of genuinely positive imprinting of consciousness of ourselves and those around us? ****** Footnote: While not all scientists agree that Dr Emoto’s work is credible research, bear in mind that the understanding of resonance is in its infancy and scientific trials can be problematic when the results can be so easily influenced by an experimenter’s mind. See Dr Emoto explaining what his critics fail to grasp at youtube/watch?v=rZDOPQRdxJM. Attachment Size Attachment Size WomanSwearing.jpg 9.4 KB Brain.jpg 117.35 KB meditating.jpg 9.28 KB meditating-small.jpg 21.25 KB .F wordfoul languagehelp the planetpollutionsoundswearingvibrationMenkit Princes blogAdd new comment.Comments Thu, 2009-07-16 16:45 — James Sinnamon A sceptical, but open-minded view Firstly, I thank Menkit for yet another thoughtful, informative and helpful article. Still, I am sceptical of some of the claims made in the article, however, as Menkit tells me that what is said by Masuru Emoto about the effects of human emotion upon water and other matter strongly conforms to her own personal experience, I feel bound to try for myself, with as open a mind as I can, the experiments suggested by Masaru Emoto in his video. Whatever the outcome of any experiments may be, the observations should be considered valid whether or not they conform to current scientific understanding or whether or not a theory to explain the observations can even be conceived. Nevertheless, until such experiments can be performed in circumstances that can be controlled and reproduced, it will be difficult to get the mainstream of todays scientists to accept the validity of Masaru Emotos observations. .reply Fri, 2009-11-13 15:28 — Anonymous (not verified) GARBAGE NIGHT Did we miss garbage night? because this site is overflowing with rubbish from the likes of M P. I used to admire CDB but its becoming ridiculous. .reply Fri, 2009-11-13 18:54 — Sheila Newman re Garbage Night Dear critic, I published your comment because I would like you to write in more detail about what you object to and why. More than that I would like you to write about what you like or liked about Penultimately, I would like you to write for on issues you do consider important and true. Finally, I would like to say that we publish alternative views to give them an airing but we dont mind rational responses, comment and argument in response to those views, so take heart and dont be unkind to MP who is often right, sometimes wrong, like all of us. :-) We all have our enthusiasms. Please try to make your comments constructive because that is the way to help raise the standard of writing and debate. Sheila Newman, population sociologist home page Copyright to the author. Please contact sheila [AT] candobetter org or the editor if you wish to make substantial reproduction or republish. .reply Fri, 2009-11-13 18:56 — Jeremy (not verified) What was the result of James experiment on water? So, James. We await the result of your experiment with your emotions and water. Where have you published? .reply Mon, 2009-11-16 09:50 — Quiet Please. (not verified) The F Word. Thank you Menkit. Thats all interesting material about the F word. I dont hear it very much, except in public places. Its careless usage tends to give the impression that those in hearing distance are undeserving of better standards. For my part, I feel that F-word users are attempting to dominate the occasion, taking the liberty to define the prevailing social standards downwards. And yes, that is a very positive replied directive to another post --- to be nice. Just be nice to each other. Being nice costs nothing, yet it facilitates enormous social harmony. .reply Comment viewing options Flat list - collapsedFlat list - expandedThreaded list - collapsedThreaded list - expanded Date - newest firstDate - oldest first 10 comments per page30 comments per page50 comments per page70 comments per page90 comments per page150 comments per page200 comments per page250 comments per page300 comments per page Select your preferred way to display the comments and click Save settings to activate your changes..A website for reform in democracy, environment, population, land use planning and energy policy Copyright may differ amongst site authors. 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Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:03:19 +0000

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