just something to think about this week as we begin to head back - TopicsExpress


just something to think about this week as we begin to head back into our old positions on race relations and complete the burial of the last thoughts and victims of this latest eruption in what I am now beginning to view as a classic lovers spat or quarrel. As I often do I was listening to music to tap my real emotions about what has happened over the past year and most recently in Cleveland, Ferguson and New York. I listen for phrases and shift the song writers intended speaker from the individual to that of a group who might share the same feeling. It helps when you do this if you have had the same feeling as an individual. Please say you want me too becomes as I listen please say that you want us too Unrequited love has it consequences for individuals and groups Close your eyes an think of a person who you have loved with all your heart and who despite the extremes that you have gone to too demonstrate that love still cast you aside whenever it seems they have the opportunity to do so. Imagine yourself a teenager and how this person influenced you by either causing you to suffer your first puppy love tears or steeled your resolve to never be hurt that way again. Imagine yourself older and wiser in the ways of love and your encountering that same love again and despite your experience with love and loving falling again under their spell. Close your eyes tighter and imagine that you are the object of this infatuation an you see them coming and you try to avoid them because you are not heartless but you simply have no heart for them, this person, and their shining eyes. Imagine, eyes real tight now, that your parents and your peers hold you to ridicule because they see your suffering and your foolishness as weaknesses. Imagine that they mock you an point to your love as something beyond contempt. Tighter still. Imagine that you have after each rejection held yourself at fault for failing to be what your love wants you to be and that while you know the achievement of their wishes is not going to gain you their love and you with eyes wide open commit yourself to try because your love is as strong as the scorpions need to strike in the middle of the lake with no way to shore Imagine that our great racial strife is about unrequited love. sing it school boys an if you get it post your song https://youtube/watch?v=Of9IUfswFIQ
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:55:08 +0000

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