looking back at the videos I made for a high school project...how - TopicsExpress


looking back at the videos I made for a high school project...how did I ever pass those classes...(note, they werent made for video or film classes. Just classes that I persuaded teachers to let me do a video rather than writing a project.) Double note, those teachers that let me make the videos rather than write a paper are INCREDIBLE PEOPLE. You let me break the rules and express my answers in the only way I really knew (know) how to. Its pretty late, but THANK YOU to Stephen Fleck, Mr. Abernathy, Mr. Shawver, and Mr. McCleary. Without knowing it, you all helped me further my creativity and further my quest as to what Im meant to do in this world. I sincerely hope you are all watching and keeping tabs on me. Not so you can see me succeed in what I do, but to see that you are all part of the reasons why I am succeeding. Also, shout out to Melody Ivey. I know I was a pain in school, but you (whether you know it or not) showed me that it is cool and perfectly normal to write. And to write everything. A few of these teachers I knew for years, directly or indirectly. A few, I only had a one year experience with. But to all of you, I am very grateful. Teaching must really be hard. Knowing you actually are making a MONUMENTAL difference in peoples lives, but not being thanked for YEARS (if ever) to come must be challenging to cope with. I also grasp that none of you are asking for, or expecting, a thank you (heck, a fifth of you wont even see this) but you deserve many. You all helped me figure out and learn my craft. Even though I couldnt take a course in film making, you all helped further my knowledge of it. I know the importance of writing, of character development, because of you, Mrs. Ivey. Id had several English teachers before, where I had to write multiple stories. You were they ONLY teacher I have ever had that let me submit screen-plays for homework. You even let me act one of them out (that later turned into the video Chameleon). I once took a creative writing class, my sophomore year. Not that I didnt learn to be creative in that class, but I really honed my ideas and skills in your class, Mrs. Ivey. Mr. McCleary. You never let me make a video in substitute for a paper. Im actually very thankful for that. Up til then, Id become accustomed (for lack of a better word) to creating things, even when that wasnt the most appropriate approach. You would also make an example out of me. I was in you first freshman class in your first year and then ended up in your junior class my senior year. Ive always been a little curious as to what you thought of that. Freshman me, straight A student...never causing trouble, always answering your Extra Credit trivia questions...to Senior me, trying to talk my way out of any type of work that didnt include film. I guess what Im talking about is that you didnt give up on me. Neither my film work nor my critical thinking work. At the time, sure, Id be upset when you wouldnt let me make a video for a project. Now, I understand why you wouldnt. You (maybe unknowingly or, perhaps, this was your intent) taught me that the easy way to solve something, the comfortable way, will not always be the right way. That I cant always rely on my best skills/gifts. And I really thank you for that. I really do. ALSO, you would/still kick students out for calling someone or something gay. Thats really, really freaking cool. Mr. Shawver. I had you for half of one year. It was also the same year that my papaw passed away. Mr. Shawver, you are very close to me, and I am extremely grateful for how you handled my situation. You let me turn in late work, you talked to me when I needed it (even though you werent always sure of what to tell me), and I always felt like you were rooting for me. Heck, even this past summer, I felt like you were the only one truly helping and cheering me on as I embarked on an adventure to California to pursue my goals. You and McCleary have probably figured out that I make it a point to visit and talk to you whenever Im at the High School. To Mr. Abernathy. Grief. You were the first teacher...possibly person...I spoke to about my personal feelings and beliefs. I will not soon forget you singing Ive Got a Feelin by the Black Eyed Peas (completely ripping them, I might add, as to how their lyrics made absolutely no sense) and then, minutes later, talking with you after class about serious, personal things. And you handled them perfectly. I still recall what you said to me and how you said it to me. You also did all of this without enforcing your own personal belief/opinion. I respect that. You were also the first teacher to let me make a video for the class. This was EARLY on into my video making days, too. Im sure it was only the 5th video I had made. I came to you with the idea and you said How bout you write the paper and, if you want, you can also make a video and share it with the class. That was one of the GREATEST moments of my high school career (and you, in my 8th grade year, kinda introduced me to Arrested Development.) I made that video. That was one of the most fun things Ive ever done, that video. With that video, others spawned. I started making videos for other classes, more for your class, and more for myself. Thank you. What the Fleck?! Mr. Fleck. You. You have done so much to sculpt me into who and what I am. Its almost as if these other great teachers saw my potential and helped...where as you went a step beyond. You saw my potential, helped, and also instantly made me aware of that potential. I remember the first time we ever spoke, like it was yesterday. I was a Junior. Just a goofy kid that couldnt ever take things seriously. One day, Im minding my own business, walking down the hallway, when I hear Hey..Dalton. I turned around to see this goofy, silly drama teacher. Id never spoken to him and had hardly even seen him before. He says Ive been following your youtube work. Im really impressed. Think youd wanna make a few for the crescendos show? That was the first time that I realized my work wasnt being watched by just me. That there are people WATCHING what I make. Not just that, but they enjoy it. If any person were to care to, if you look at my video BEFORE junior years crescendos and AFTER it, you will find an incredible amount of improvement. Because of you, Mr. Fleck, I wasnt just making videos to make them. I was making them to entertain. That was the first time I looked at film/video making as a real career and a real passion. The first time I realized that Wow. I can reach so many people. I can make them laugh! I can share with them pain. I can relate to these complete strangers and they can relate to me. That moment that you stopped me in the hall...that drastically changed me. In the most brilliant way. I dont think that Im wrong when I say that you are one of my dear friends. You (unknowingly) got me to overcome stage fright. You, not only listen, but care deeply about what it is I am working on next. You believe in me when most other people dont. I am truly grateful. If anyone is still reading this, please...PLEASE take a moment, recall a few memories of your teachers...and write them a letter. Whether its on facebook, an email, or on paper. Let your teachers know that they have (and still are) impacting you.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:18:48 +0000

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