PNM $27.6M Faris Al Rawi scandal Monday, - TopicsExpress

   PNM $27.6M Faris Al Rawi scandal Monday, February 24 2014 SHOCKING is the only word we can find to describe the disclosure, by Minister of Local Government Marlene Coudray, that the State has paid about $27.6 million over three years for the use of a building which stands empty. During Parliament Question time, the minister said, “There is one building being rented by the Ministry of Local Government that is not ultilised so far.” She said the building was located at the corner of Alexander Street and Tragarete Road, Port-of-Spain, and the arrangement was in place since 2009, under the PNM. The Minister detailed rental costs and also, incredibly, disclosed costs for security for what is an empty building with no use. “There is no figure for car park spaces, and we have not completed that exercise to determine whether it was incorporated as part of the rental so that information could be provided at a subsequent period if required,” Coudray said. She said the rental costs were paid for the periods ended September 2011; September 2012 and September 2013. The question posed did not ask for costs up to September, 2010. Thus, it is clear that from 2009 to September 2010, further costs may have been occurred, meaning the wastage here is likely more than $27.6 million, perhaps as much as $30 million. The Minister did not explain how the State came to be in this arrangement, entered into under the PNM, or why, to date, no use for this building has been found. We question why it is that this wastage has occurred. Why is it that the arrangement was entered into in the first place? Though Coudray did not state the owners of the building, MPs were of the view that the building was tied in some way to PNM Senator Faris Al Rawi, the current PNM public relations officer. Coudray said the rental was being paid to “NJ Nahous”. Checks at the Company Registry revealed no company called “NJ Nahous” but rather, NJ Nahous Investments Limited, whose principal shareholder is Nazem Nahous. Director listed include: Nazem Nahous (businessman); Jinan Nahous (businesswoman); Michael Nahous (businessman); Gina Nahous-Hajdar (businesswoman) and Mona Nahous-Al Rawi. Was this real estate arrangement entered into at arms length under the last PNM administration? But further, is it possible for this arrangement to be terminated and if not, why? Is it that there is some term or condition which would make it more costly in the long-run — whether through the incurring of some penalty or otherwise — to cut the cord? Assuming the arrangement cannot be terminated, why is it that the State has not found some use to put this building? In a situation where there are so many complaints about inadequate housing of so many State agencies, is there really no purpose to which the building can be placed? Is there some problem or defect with the building? Coudray also gave two different figures for security costs: one of $927,360 and another $898,380. How did State accounting procedures result in this situation of two completely different numbers being given here? Coudray could not explain the discrepancy, simply saying these were the figures given to her. She offered no further explanation. Unfortunately, Senator Coudray — who has been elected to no seat in this country — was not forthcoming when she was asked to provide details by Arouca/Maloney MP Alicia Hospedales. In a further supplemental question, Hospedales asked, “Could the Minister state why the facility has not been utilised for the last four years?” Coudray declined to respond, simply saying, “This question is a new one, and I would need to check the records.” She then left the House of Representatives. There must be a comprehensive explanation of this situation which on its face is an appalling waste of tax payers’ money. © -
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:03:38 +0000

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